Page 31 - 2023-05
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Neighbor to Neighbor

                   WARNING: For those who have the flat                          thought these roofs would never have to be touched and yet in all the
                              concrete roofing tiles.                            information given to me by the builder of our home, there is not one
                                                                                 word about maintaining the tiles in position!
         Recently, my neighbor informed me that one of my roofing tiles was      Walking my dog thru the neighborhood and now knowing what to look
         broken and had slid down. I could not see it from my yard easily. But   for seven out of ten of the roofs like mine, I could see with same tiles all
         when I looked sure enough one was down from where it should be. With    had slipped tiles ranging from several up to at least ten. You may think
         all the high winds and hard rains, we have been having I was concerned   you have no opens spots but it is difficult to spot all of them from the
         about internal water damage!                                            ground. I highly recommend you contact someone to give your roof a
          At once I got on the phone and the internet trying to find a roofing   once over before you have damage to your indoor ceilings or worse. We
         company that would make repairs. After about 20 calls and more          have a lot more rain to face.
         websites, it was apparent; either the job was too small or they were so   I am not promoting any local firm so I have not included their name or
         busy (some out to mid-July) they had no interest. However, I did find a   contact info. Do your due diligence and find what works best for your
         Roseville based firm who had the ability to respond and they did. (At   situation.
         age 76 I was not going up on our roof!)
         The good news is the tile was not broken, the bad news they found       Lady Golfers! Diamond Oaks Thursday Golf Club plays Thursday
         altogether 13-tiles that had slipped out of their positions! Slipped out of   mornings (weather permitting).  Come join us whether you have a golf
         position?                                                               handicap or not (one can be established very easily).  We are a fun
         These flat concrete roof tiles we have on many of our homes here are    group of ladies and would love to welcome you to join our club.  Call
         held down by their combined weight, nothing else. And with the hot      our membership chair, Sallie K., with any questions (209) 985-
         summer temperatures and then cold of this winter combined with hard     0674.  See you on the links. Resident - Donna Costello
         rains and then gale force winds, they can and will move eventually
         sluffing completely out of place.                                       Donation Items If you are donating items to a charity for pick up
         Afterwards, the inspector told me that every two years or so these roofs   from your home, it is suggested you put them out the morning of pick up
         need to be inspected for other tiles may have slipped. My mistake, I had   and not the night before as they may be taken or rummaged through.

              “Neighbor to Neighbor” items are helpful hints submitted by our residents who have concerns or would like to share information.
                                       Have something to share? Send an email to

                                                       Club Classifieds

           Adopt A Dog - Carolyn Hemig is an active senior, whose compan- Black & Decker Chainsaw - FREE
           ion, Westie, dog died almost a year ago. She has a huge love for dogs.  It is 10 years old, add an extension cord and it works
           If there is someone who is physically unable to take care of their dog,  Email or call Jim @ 916-752-7229
           Carolyn would welcome the opportunity to give the dog (up to 25 lbs)
           a loving home. She can supply the food, toys and sweaters, but the    Landrider Bikes (2 available)
           veterinary costs would need to be covered.  Carolyn has references.   $250 / each Self shift ladies bikes
           Her home phone is 916) 773-1186.                                      Helmets Trek (2 available) - $30 /
           Schwinn Stationery Exercise Bike                                      Call or text Dolores Contreras at
           $50 obo ~ Exercise bike in excellent condition.                       916-740-0473.
           Please contact Terri at 916-865-4422

           Various safety items for sale
           Shower chair with small round shower table: $40                                    Bejar Desing Oriental Rug
           2 sets of Bathroom toilet rails: $20 each                                          $400 for 5x8 Rug
           Wheelchair: $100 obo and Walker: $40                                               Call or text Dolores Contreras at 916-740-0473.
           All are in excellent condition and sanitized
           Please contact Terri at 916-865-4422

                                        Do you have something to sell?  Try our Classifieds!
               Visit the community website to view photographs and review the most up to date ads.
             To have your ad included in the next Courier, visit our website or email your ad to
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