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parked in a sedan near the cluster mailbox. He immediately called neighbors
                                                                                 checking to see if anyone was visiting. When no one responded, he looked
                                                                                 outside and the car was gone.

                                                                                 MAILBOX THEFTS
                                                                                 On January 18th, 2021 we reported a “Rise of cluster mailbox thefts in Placer
         In a retirement community like The Club, you don’t normally see a group of   County”. On January 29, 2021, homeowners reported to former HOA Riverside
         young men parked in a car near one of our cluster mailboxes. It can raise   Management mailbox vandalism in our community. In June 2019, a homeowner
         suspicion. Mail theft break-ins to steal tax refunds, cash and gift cards mailed in  reported to NW that “someone tried to forward mail to a different address.”
         brightly colored envelopes, identity theft, are reasons such break-ins occur,   Luckily, the postal carrier brought it to the homeowner’s attention. The
         according to law enforcement.                                           homeowner did not receive their prescription pills in the mail. A report was
                                                                                 filed with authorities.
         TAMPERING WITH MAIL IS A FEDERAL OFFENSE. REPORT IT.                                                  AVOID DOING THIS
         If you have witnessed or fallen victim to a crime, take action by going online to   Don’t send cash, checks or gift cards in brightly colored envelopes. A
         the United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS). This is the right agency to   homeowner mailed a $50 check to a relative last Christmas. It never reached
         report mail fraud, identity theft, mail theft, Cybercrime, suspicious mail and to   them.
         report USPS Employees or Service.  The United States Postal Inspection
         Service (USPIS), or the Postal Inspectors, is the law enforcement arm of   CONSIDER THIS: Mail your card in a small padded Manilla envelope or
                                                                                 in a box to prevent hands from figuring out that a gift card is inside.
         the United States Postal Service. It supports and protects the U.S. Postal   Alternatively, if you are comfortable, use Venmo, or one of several online
         Service, its employees, infrastructure, and customers by enforcing the laws that
         defend the nation's mail system from illegal or dangerous use.          banking applications available through most financial institutions. The money is
                                                                                 sent directly to the receiver’s bank account.
         Its jurisdiction covers any "crimes that may adversely affect
         or fraudulently use the U.S. Mail, the postal system or postal employees."
         With roots going back to the late 18th century, the USPIS is the oldest   BETTER YET: SIGN-UP FOR U.S.P.S. INFORMED DELIVERY
         continually operating federal law enforcement agency.
                                                                                 It’s a free online application allowing the recipient to see a visual image of the
         MAILBOX LOITERING                                                       mail and packages delivered by the post office daily. We use it and it works.
         On February 28, 2022 at approximately 7:45 PM after arriving home from
         shopping, homeowner William Bowen of Arlington Court, noticed four males  Mia Winter, Director,
                                                                                 Neighborhood Watch Team, Keeping Our Neighborhood

                                                                                                                 Duane Smith

                                                                                                             1+(916) 871-5587

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