Page 4 - 2022-04
P. 4

                              Spiro Stamos

                                                                   Community Chat Recap
                                                                        March 23, 2022

           Guest Speaker(s) BrightView Landscape Service and BrightView           Member:  Does the HOA plan to offer to remove and replace
           Tree Company                                                           desert landscape? Will there be a reduction in assessments?
                  Fairlight Beard – General Manager, Sacrament Valley Market      FirstService:  No, any changes to the front yard will be at the cost
                  Robert Rochin – Branch Manager                                  of the member and there will be no reduction in assessments.
                  Ashley Clark – Associate Account Manager
                  Domingo Rivera Cervantes – Production Manager                   FirstService:  Discussed the process of his front yard modification
                  Anthony Hunt – Certified Arborist                               to drought resistant landscape and the cost of the modification to be
                  Everardo Jimenez – Certified Arborist                           about $4K.
                  Juli Tilton – Sales Representative

                                                                                  Member:  Will trees continue to be watered during drought if the
           Discussion Topics:                                                     lawns are not? How about the shrubs?
                                                                                  BrightView:  Yes, all trees and shrubs will need continuous
           Goals:  2022-2023                                                      water. The city will not permit trees to die; however, sod is not as
             Explained learning curve takes time and within the first 90 days    important to keep alive.
               they have tried several different platforms for service and
               narrowed down servicing areas to be broken down into 5 sections    Member:  How often does pruning take place?
               with one section completed per day of the week.                    BrightView:  Pruning is every 6 weeks – depending on the species
             Crew members take 2 breaks as well as a ½ hour lunch break. The     and shape of shrub. Not all need to be pruned every round.  Drought
               breaks are taken away from the homes as to not disturb members.    tolerant plants are not as attractive in winter months due to hard
               If an area appears to be incomplete, please allow a few hours for   pruning, which is something to consider when deciding to go with
               crew to return and complete their work.                            that style of landscape.

           Long Term Goals                                                        Member:  Why have all the crepe myrtles not been pruned?
             Get into rhythm with plant replacements                             BrightView:  Trees will only be structure pruned. They will not
             Larger projects – separate crew may be brought in                   be topped per ISA (International Society of Arboriculture) standards.
                                                                                  It is reported that this practice is a bad approach and proposes poor
           Current Challenges                                                     growth and structure of trees.
             All communities are different – even in the same city/zone
             Keeping scheduling and service days                                 Member:  Why were trees pruned so high taking away shade
             Equipment and use                                                   branches?
             Overall Communication                                               BrightView:  Trees in the community are a challenge as many are
                                                                                  not intended for the area. Trying to maintain balance of overall
           Irrigation system check is complete. May will be the next possible
           increase for water use. Roseville water restrictions currently allow   community with the trees provided. I have actually been here for
                                                                                  years pruning the trees with another company and am very familiar
           only 2 days a week for water.
                                                                                  with all the trees and their growth pattern. Clearance was needed as it
                                                                                  had not been done in a few years. Structure pruning will soon follow.
           MEMBER Q & A
           Member:  Does drip system have restrictions?                           Member:  Root intrusion and possible damage to foundation –
           BrightView:  No, there is no restrictions on drip irrigation.          what to be concerned about?
           Currently runs 2x a week. Irrigation tech will be adjusting water run   BrightView:  Maple & crepe myrtle trees have soft roots and will
           times according to house placement and which homes need more           not lift concrete. Their roots will follow concrete and grow around.
           water than others.                                                     Elms may require root pruning to ease possible damage before actual
                                                                                  removal needed.
           Member:  Sprinklers continue to water sidewalks
           BrightView:  The sprinklers will all be checked and adjusted
           during the sprinkler check.  Houses with rain sensors are being
           checked and set accordingly.

                                                           April 2022                                              Page 4
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