Page 20 - 2022-11
P. 20
Hello, Lou and I retired here in
I am Mary Mesa, and I am very new to a well-planned house
The Club having moved in on the 25th of that we’ve been looking
September. I grew up in the Bay Area for. It fits all our needs .
and lived in Sunnyvale most of my life I love that this commu-
and recently retired from working at the nity is well-maintained
California School for the Deaf in and active with all the
Fremont with 30 years of service. Many wonderful activities we
years ago I visited Roseville and just fell want to participate
in love with it and when retirement in . We moved here
brought the opportunity to start a new from the Mission dis-
chapter in my life Roseville was my trict of Fremont , Cali-
obvious choice. Honestly I fell in love fornia . It will be a year now since we moved here and we’re getting ad-
with my house the moment (#3 on the list of 11 that I viewed in justed very well .
one day) I saw it and then I learned how nice the HOA was sold. I Lou is a retired Civil Engineer and I am a retired microbiologist . We
love the neighborhood and have started to meet some of my have 2 married children and we are blessed with a 4yr old grandson .
neighbors and they have made me feel very welcomed.
Thank you so much !!
Sylvia and Lou
November 2022 Page 20