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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                       Cribbage                                                      Digital World Club, continued

         MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS @ 10AM CRIBBAGE IS PLAYED                          This presentation is open to all residents. Watch for an email with RSVP
         AT THE CLUB UNTIL NOON                                                  details.
         Come play CRIBBAGE with us every Monday and/or Wednesday from
         10am to noon. We play two and three handed and partners with four.                                  Hand and Foot
         Cards are drawn to see who plays with whom.  If you have not played in  Hand and Foot is a card game played Fridays at The Retreat, from 2 pm
         a long time, no problem, we will go slow and reacquaint you to the      until around 4 pm.  Cards are drawn prior to playing to determine who
         game. We have 12 to 20 members and play to have fun and enjoy each      plays together. (Players should arrive by 1:50 p.m. in order to draw cards
         others company. If you would like to play Cribbage drop contract Pete   so that play can begin by 2 p.m.)
         Frates at or 707-481-7620.                           Come join us and have some fun. If you would like to learn to play or
                                                                                 have questions, contact: Gloria Cordle-Borley 209-402-1933 or
                                  Democratic Forum                     

                                                                                                           Helping Hands 2.0
                                                            Our meeting in
                                                            August will focus on  Boy, is it ever hot.  Hope you are all staying a cool as you can.
                                                            Project 2025 and its  The Helping Hands Steering Committee is taking July and August off,
                                                            impact on the nation.  and then back to work.
                                                             At our National 4th  Upcoming Events are:
                                                            of July BBQ, we all  Bevs and Bites on Friday Aug 2, 4-5:30 in the Café.  Please watch for
                                                            enjoyed a fun        our Sign Up Genius later this month to register, and let us know what
                                                            afternoon when our  you will bring to share - an appetizer or dessert.
                                                            special guest Scott   Friday, Oct 6 is The Club’s Annual SIG OPEN HOUSE. We will not be
                                                            Alvord updated us    having Bevs and Bites that day, with this awesome event happening.  We
                                                            on what’s happening  will be participating with a food booth.  We hope you will attend as all
                                                            in and around town.  the money we make will be going to local charities plus you can have a
                                                            Scott’s term as      yummy meal!
                                                            council member is    Sat., Oct. 26 from 10-2 will be The Club’s Craft Fair.  As usual, we will
                                                            up this year and he   have our annual Bake Sale at the same time and hope that many of you
                                                            has been a vocal     start baking now so we can have a spectacular event and continue to
         supporter for not only our community, but the city in general. In       support our local charities.
         addition, we were pleased to welcome two local candidates for Roseville  If you know of any residents who are ill, been hospitalized or suffered
         appointments. Namely Karen Alvord, who is a candidate for the           the loss of a loved one, please notify Marilyn Lane at
         Roseville City Council, and Cassie Lin who is standing for the School  She will see that one of our volunteers will
         Board in the 5th district. Support them as well as you can!             send them a card.  Such a small thing, yet so big!
           The Democratic Forum meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month at       We wish you a great summer, safe travels, and time to reflect on what a
         1:00 pm at The Club. For more information, please contact Michael       great life we have here at The Club.
         Lewis at or at 916-806-0368.
                                                                                                              Line Dancing

                                                                                 Fact? or Fiction?
                                  Digital World Club                             Line dancing was started by a group of women standing in line to use the
         The Digital World Club’s (DWC’s) will not be meeting in August. (We     Fact:  Line Dancing has its roots in cultural folk dances and developed its
         take a break in August and December.)                                   modern form in the USA in the 1970's.  It was primarily danced
         Get on the DWC email list to receive information about our monthly      to  country music but is now danced to many rhythms with a range of
         meetings and general information about the digital world we live in by   difficulty levels from beginner to advanced.
         checking the Digital World Club box in your profile.                    Though Line Dancing  stems from folk dancing, it is not considered folk
         Advance Notice for September:                                           dancing.
         In September we will have Molly Wanless-Smith with the Better           In our class, we dance to many different rhythms such as Latin, Swing,
         Business Bureau as our guest speaker. The meeting time will be changed  Polka, Waltz, Fox Trot and Country.
         from 10 AM to 11 AM, and the meeting room will be changed from the      We meet on Friday at 12:00 noon in the Wellness Room. Questions:
         Library to the Fitness Room.                                            email
         On September 11,2024, in The Retreat Fitness Room, Molly Wanless-
         Smith, of the BBB, will give an informative presentation on protecting                                Mah Jongg
         yourself from scams. See the special notice in The Courier for more
         information.                                                            MAH JONGG IS PLAYED ON TUESDAY AFTERNOONS FROM 1-3
         Topic: Scam Awareness                                                   P.M. AT THE CLUB.
         When: 11 AM, September 11th, 2024                                       Mah Jongg is a game of skill and luck played with tiles and a card with
         Where: The Retreat — Fitness Room                August 2024                                              Page 10
                                                                                 set hands with three to four people per table.  We play the American
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