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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                     Wii Bowling                                                Wine Appreciation (WAG), continued

         The Wii Bowling Group meets on the 2nd Tuesday evening of each          “blind” picking provided some friendly competition.
         month from 6pm – 9pm.  We have a lively, fun competition to see which  The August WAG event will be “Wine Olympics” hosted by Judy
         randomly chosen team can score the highest average after playing a set   Kurylak.  Michael Hemingway, who is a fun speaker, along with being a
         of 3 games to win the night's prize.  We always look forward to         Wine Educator and Buyer from Grocery Outlet, will be here, featuring a
         welcoming new members into our group and hope they will enjoy           few wines from the US and some from other countries.  All the wines are
         playing the game and socializing with their friends and neighbors.  If any  available at Grocery Outlet and have a budget friendly price.  For those
         residents have an interest in joining our group, please email your hosts,   of you that haven’t tried wine from Grocery Outlet, you will be surprised
         Barry and Diana Gray, at:                           of the quality you get for the price.  Cost of the event is $30.00.  Please
         Our next game night is Tuesday, August 13th. Dues of $5 per person, per  look for Sign Up Genius if you wish to attend.
         game night are collected the night of the event and prizes of $25 gift   If you’re not a member of WAG but wish to join, please contact Bonnie
         cards to various local restaurants are awarded to each member of the    Pavri at (707) 228-6255 or via email at
         highest scoring team.  Please watch for your opportunity to RSVP for    “A meal without wine is called breakfast”
         August, starting on Tuesday, July 30th at approximately 6
         pm.  Reservations are required in order to play.                                      Ye Olde WestPark Players - Drama Group
         Won’t you consider joining us?
                                                                                 The Ye Olde Westpark Players are ramping up for our 2024 Fall
                             Wine Appreciation (WAG)
                                                                                 Production. New members are always welcome.  We can always use
         Although the heat moved our BBQ inside, the WAG June event was a        extras and backstage help. You’ll have a great time and remember, no
         big success.  The beer was a great compliment to the "build your own”   experience necessary! If you want to know more about the group, please
         slider bar, appetizers and salad bar.  Of course, we did still have wine on  contact co-Directors, Cynthia Simmons, 707-451-7245 or Rita
         the tables.  A whopping 12 bottles of wine were raffled off and the     DeMatteis, 916-786-0234.

             The Digital World Club Invites You to:
                   Scam Awareness Presentation

                   By The Better Business Bureau (BBB)

          On September 11,2024, in The Retreat Fitness Room,
          Molly Wanless-Smith, of the BBB, will give an informa-                   SOCRATES CAFÉ:
          tive presentation on protecting yourself from scams.                     Next meeting is Wednesday, August 21st at 3:00 p.m. at The Retreat
                                                                                   Library. A Socratic facilitator will meet with the interested group
          This educational and engaging session is designed to help                once a month by bringing a set of ethical/moral questions espoused
          seniors, their families, and caregivers recognize and avoid              by philosophers, journalists and social scientists. In a cordial and
          common scams that target older adults. She will review                   friendly atmosphere our goal is to have stimulating conversations
                                                                                   designed to clarify many of our assumptions and beliefs currently at
          the BBB's annual demographic data, discuss common ele-                   play in todays’ America. The inquiry method used in our meetings
          ments and types of scams targeting seniors, and provide                  was started by the Greek philosopher Socrates (469-399 B.C.)
          attendees with guidance (and free educational materials)                 and  is currently in use in most colleges and universities to
          on how to avoid falling victim. Time will also be provided               encourage the use of critical thinking skills.
          for Q&A.
                                                                                   For further information contract Nelson Loaiza at (916) 872–8806
          We encourage you to attend so that, together, we can all                 or by email at
          create a safer community!
                 When: 11:00 AM, September 11th, 2024                              Join and play Rummikub at
                 Where: The Retreat - Fitness Room                                 The Retreat Mondays at
                                                                                   12:45 p.m. This is an easy tile
                                                                                   game to learn.  There can be two
          This presentation is open to                                             to four players and it is similar to
          all residents. Watch for an                                              the card game rummy.  Questions: contact Cheryl Thompson by
          email with RSVP details.                                                 email at

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