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Club Classifieds Neighbor to Neighbor
SIR: SIR is a non-profit organization for men 50+ who live in the
Golf Ball Display Case Roseville/Rocklin area to meet and socialize with others that have
80 golf ball display case. Oak cabinet glass door. $30.00 similar interests - such as golf, bocce, cards, chess, wine, food, etc.
Call: 916-826-3315 Visit their website for an in-depth overview of all the activities
Maui Timeshare
Guest unit (king bed + sofa bed, sleeps up to 4) at the Donations: As a member of Club Crafters, I accept craft items
from residents, such as yarn, fabric, supplies, etc. The items can be
Maui Marriott Kaanapali resort available for rent June used by other residents or donated to other craft groups.
15-22. $3500 covers our maintenance fee. Contact Linda Burkhart at I continue to accept donations for Sacramento Shriners Hospital and
916-759-3804. Mahalo!
Sacramento Blankets 4 Sacramento Kids (SBSK) from community
Wanted: Tile SBSK provides new blankets to children in Sacramento and Placer
Looking to get more pieces of the pictured tile. Please Counties. The blankets are given to families in hospitals, schools,
contact me, Marsha Tindal 408-893-4793 disaster relief, etc. They accept knitted, crocheted, sewn, quilted, and
no-sew fleece blankets.
Wine Rack - FREE Each year Sacramento Shriners Hospital provides a ‘wish list’ of
We bought a wine fridge, so we no longer need our wine new items needed for the hospital, children, families, and their ‘in-
rack. The rack is unfinished, 11.5 inches deep, 18.25 inches house’ school. Everyone is welcome to donate.
wide and 43.5 inches high. It holds 44 bottles. Both Shriners and SBSK only accept new items. Used items/blankets are donated to homeless shelters. For more info. contact Denise
Caputo at 916-782-1663 or
Do you have something to sell?
Try our Classifieds! “Neighbor to Neighbor” items are helpful hints submitted by our
To have your ad included in the next Courier, visit our residents who have concerns or would like to share information.
website or email your ad to Have something to share? Send an email to
February 2024 Page 22