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                                                                                     UPCOMING EVENTS                  DATE               TIME
                          Shannon Van Every
                 or 916-771-7801          Color Pencil Class              Wednesdays            3:00pm
                                                                                      Pianist Frank Wiens             Sun., Feb. 4th        3:00pm
                                                                                      Dementia Presentation           Mon., Feb. 5th        3:00pm
            Live music for the It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere events has been lined up
            through April.  February we have French Jazz with Duo Gadjo.  This is a   Super Bowl Party                Sun., Feb. 11th       2:30pm
            married couple that drives out to us from the Bay Area.  Their music and   Valentines Party               Wed., Feb. 14th       6:00pm
            narration makes you feel like you are in a French Pub.  In March we have   Muffins and Mimosas            Tue., Feb. 20th       8:00am
            Incorrigible_the band.  They are a couple of members from the Summer      Bingo                           Wed., Feb. 21st       6:30pm
            Music band we had last year called the Vinyl Tones. John and Larry will   It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere        Fri., Feb. 23rd       5:00pm
            play music from the 60’s, 70’ and more.  We will wrap up the indoor
            music series with The Albertson Duo.  This couple was so well received    Sound Healing                   Mon, Feb. 26th        3:00pm
            when we had them in November 2022.  She sings and he plays a variety of   ARC Meeting                     Tue., Feb. 27th       8:30am
            instruments which come together to make unique covers of popular artists.  Community Potluck              Tue., Feb 27th        5:30pm
                                                                                      Board of Directors Meeting      Wed., Feb. 28th       3:00pm
            The Crab Feeds are announced in this issue and we look forward to serving   Crab Feeds                    Mar. 7th and 8th      6:00pm
            you a great night of good food and fun in early March. We have blocked
            off 2 nights in anticipation of a big crowd.  We will hold off enrolling   Speaker Series - Human Trafficking  Wed., March 13th  6:30pm
            more than 1 guest per household until we are sure all Club Residents who   Cookie Designing Class         Fri., March 15th      3:30pm
            wish to attend are in first.                                              Trivia                          Tue., March 19th      6:30pm
                                                                                      It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere        Fri., March 22nd      5:00pm
            Lunch Around Town is beginning again in March.  We will go to Chili’s     Lunch Around Town - Chili’s     Thur., March 28th    11:45am
            first on Thursday, March 28th.  They have great lunch specials for just
            $10.00.  Please let me know if you have a restaurant request to visit.    Easter Egg Hunt                 Sat., March 30th      9:30am
                                                                                      It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere        Fri., April 19th      5:00pm
            See you at The Retreat!

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