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Association Events

            Event and activity reservations must be made at The   aboard the bus and check everyone in. For safety, the   sheet so we may plan accordingly.  The first two
            Retreat Front Desk.                             tour monitor/escort will sit in the front seat behind   rows on each bus are reserved for the Monitor/Escort
            Refunds are given only if an activity is cancelled.    the bus driver.                          and any special accommodations.  Thank you.
            Each event indicates an RSVP deadline date and in      PERFUME/SCENTS: Please refrain from      REFUND PROCEDURES:  If an activity is
                                                                                                             cancelled, all funds will be refunded as quickly as
                                                             wearing perfume, cologne, and scented bath products
            some cases may be as much as four weeks prior to   when attending events and bus trips.          possible.
            the actual event, should tickets need to be purchased.
            The popularity of any trip means it may sell out long      CELL PHONES: While riding in a bus or      CANCELLATIONS AND WAITING LIST:
                                                             participating in a group tour, please limit your cell
            before the RSVP date, so please plan accordingly.  phone conversations. We encourage you to wait until   For your convenience, once an event is filled or final
            We load the bus for day trips approximately 10   you are off the bus or able to step away from the   reservations are given, a waiting list will be started.
                                                                                                             Ordered meals cannot be changed.
            minutes prior to departure times stated in each trip   group and can talk privately.
            description.                                    SPECIAL NEEDS: Please indicate special needs      PAYMENT: We accept cash, checks, and all
            Our tour monitor/escort  will board the bus first in   at time of purchase for the trip or event.  We will do   credit cards. For your convenience, you may call The
            order to ensure everything is prepared for our   our best to accommodate all requests. Be sure to ask   Retreat and pay over the phone with a credit card.
            journey.  The monitor/escort will then invite you   the monitor to note the accommodations on the event

         Color Pencil Class for Beginners                                        Valentines Party
         Wednesdays from 3:00 - 5:00 pm                                          Wednesday, February 14th at 6:00 p.m.
         Supply List will be provided upon enrollment.                           DJ Dancing
         Students will be learning to use color pencils using a                  Dinner Catered by Capital City Catering
         varity of subject matter chosen as projects in the class.               Rosemary Citrus Grilled Chicken, Seasonal
         Step-by-step instructions will be provided.                             Grilled Mixed Vegetables
         Your teacher is Maria Winkler, MFA and PhD, who has taught art at       Creamy Herb Mashed Potatoes, Garden Salad with Dressing, Fresh Baked
         several universities for 40 years. Her teaching methods include class   Dinner Rolls & Butter, and Dessert
         lecture, live demonstrations and individual help.                       Assigned seating will be in effect for this event.  Feel free to bring a
         February $100.00 RSVP in advance at The Retreat.                        beverage of your choice to enjoy.  Coffee, tea, and water will be
                                                                                 available. $35.00 / per person

         Frank Wiens Concert Pianist
         Sunday, February 4th at 3:00 p.m.                                       Muffins and Mimosas - FREE
         The program will include works by Mozart, the                           Tuesday, February 20th at 8:00 a.m.
         Beethoven Pathetique sonata, a work based on                            It is National Muffin Day!
         Wade in the Water by Margaret Bonds, a                                  “Can you think of something more universally loved than muffins? The
         nocturne and scherzo by Chopin, and the famous                          beloved muffin deserves a day of its own, and for that, we have February
         Liszt sonata. RSVP in advance at The Retreat                            20th. It’s National Muffin Day!English muffins have been whipped up in
         $15.00/ per person                                                      kitchens as far back as a thousand years ago in Wales, and American style
                                                                                 muffins have been around since the 18th century. Muffins are a great
                           Dementia Presentation                                 breakfast on the run, a perfect substitute for toast during brunch, and an
                           Monday, February 5th at 3:00 p.m.                     easy treat to make and give as a gift. How are you going to celebrate
                           Max Perry from the Alzheimer’s Aid Society and        National Muffin Day? Hopefully by eating a lot of muffins, but we have a
                           Margo Staplin with NorCal Care Solutions are taking   few other ideas for toasting this spectacular baked good.” Source: https://
                           their time to come here and talk about this difficult
                           topic.  Max will share about the Alzheimer's Aid      For planning purposes RSVP in advance.
                           Society, plus what dementia is and why it’s important
                           to get a diagnosis as to what type.                   BINGO
         Margo will talk about caregiving for someone with Dementia.             Wednesday, February 21st at 6:30 p.m.
         They will then take your questions.                                     Join us for a night of Bingo.  We will play at The Retreat and also on
         RSVP in advance at The Retreat                                          Zoom! We have a good time.  We play 12 games with a break after 6.
                                                                                 FREE - RSVP in advance at The Retreat.
                                                                                 Many thanks to our event  sponsor:  Mimi Kim, Realtor and Notary
         Super Bowl Party
         Sunday, February 11th at 2:30 p.m.
         Watch the big game at The Retreat!
         TV’s will have the game on in The Café,
         Library and Fireplace room.
         Light snacks and cookies will be provided by the HOA. Feel free to bring
         in any food you would like. You are also welcome to bring a beverage of
         your choice to enjoy. Coffee, tea, and water will be available, as always.
         No “pools” or betting.
         FREE - RSVP in advance at The Retreat
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