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Shared Interest Group Announcements
Helping Hands 2.0 Orchid Group
There will be a Sign-up Genius RSVP. We also want to make sure to major changes in the orchid group leadership, we extended the 2023
meet our new residents, so there will be a place on the RSVP to indicate membership to March. So remember to bring your dues for 2024 to the
if you are new to our community as of Jan 2022. Also, all guests should March meeting. Dues for 2024 are $10a person and includes the cost of
tell us whether you plan to bring an appetizer or dessert to share. materials at our annual potting meeting (that’s worth $10 right there), a
Here is a short list of our upcoming events with more later in the year: name tag so visitors can see who is a resource, a monthly “Orchid of the
Bevs and Bites – first Friday of each month, 4-5:30. Café and Library. Month” newsletter and a membership packet stuffed with lots of good
Free ALL Resident Meeting with Guest Speaker Iseline Annononio. information about orchids. Please bring cash only and if you have
“When Life Throws you a Curve Ball.” Followed by Wine and smaller bills than a $20 bill, that would be appreciated.
Refreshments. Thurs, March 21, 7-8:30 at the Retreat
Fashion Show and Luncheon, Wed, April 24, 11:00-3:00 at the Timbers. Pinochle
Stay tuned for more information and when we will be selling tickets.
Our Volunteers for the Month of March 2024 are Richard Wong and Phil COME PLAY PINOCHLE EVERY SATURDAY @ 10AM TO NOON
Washburn. Thanks for all you do to support Helping Hands! AT THE CLUB
Please don’t forget to let us know if you know of anyone who is ill, had Every Saturday 10 to 15 players are at the Club to play lively games of
surgery or a death in the family. We will send an appropriate card. PINOCHLE. We play Three handed and Partner single deck Pinochle
Please email Marilyn Lane at She will see that a 10am to noon. If you are rusty and have not played in a while the group
card is promptly sent by one of our volunteers. will help you come back up to speed.
Looking forward to seeing you at our events! Win or lose we are here to have a good time. If you are interested in
playing Pinochle drop in or call Alan Uman. Any questions e-mail Alan
Line Dancing
at or call (916)872-8984.
Line Dancing is a great workout for mind and body. We meet every Ping Pong (Table Tennis) Group
Friday at 12:00 noon in the Wellness Room, so stop by and check us out.
"Talent is a pursued interest . . . Anything you are willing to practice, you The Ping Pong Group is a great way to get in a little exercise and have
can do." fun while doing it. We have two tables and play singles and doubles. All
Email with any questions. levels of players are welcome.
Days and Times:
Mah Jongg Friday 1:30-3:30pm
Saturday 2-4pm
P.M. AT THE CLUB. Tuesday 1:30-3:30pm (if Wellness room is available).
Mah Jongg is a game of skill and luck played with tiles and a card with Just drop in, or email Francis Chang at to be added to
set hands with three to four people per table. We play the American our email list.
version on the current yearly card which is ordered from the National
Mah Jongg League. Poker Club
Come and join us! It's a fun afternoon of playing with and meeting and
making new friends. Experienced and beginning players are welcome. Wednesdays 6-9. Library.
We can help you learn. Low stakes; Low Talent.
Please contact Diana Bixby at or call 510 390- No weapons.
Occasional snacks.
Orchid Group No wild cards.
The official playing time is 6pm to 9pm every Wednesday. Men and the
The Orchid Group will be meeting Friday, March 8th at 1:00 pm. better players (the women) arrive around 5:30 for a night of fellowship
Nancy Donner will be presenting the topic, “Learn the Language of and very low stakes poker. We usually play in the Retreat library with the
Orchids”. The first step in being successful in growing and re-blooming Club-provided beverages just outside on the bar. (Occasionally someone
orchids is to understand their botanical classification, growth habits and will bring some snacks.) This is fun Nickel, Dime, Quarter poker. It is
care needs. That means you need basic proficiency in the terminology of Dealer Ante and Game Choice… We DO play interesting games. We DO
orchid cultivation. Nancy will be talking about terms related to the types NOT play WILD-card games. Most games are Stud, Draw or the newer
of orchids, how they are grouped, and the terminology related to orchid Texas Hold ‘em, Omaha or some variation to spice up the night.
anatomy and growth habits. By the end of this session, you’ll be able to Learning assistance for the different games is happily provided and cards
converse with an orchid expert at any orchid show and follow the speak on the table after each hand…
conversation. There might even be a fun game with prizes involved - it’s Any questions call Phil Lander (916) 872-8060
a surprise !
The March meeting is the start of our 2024 membership year. Due to
March 2024 Page 12