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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                   Bunco, continued                                                          Club Trekkers

         collected goes for gift cards. There are gift cards for "Most Bunco's",   The Trekkers have a reservation for a group hike in the Sutter Buttes on
         "Most Wins", "Most Losses" and the new "Baby Bunco".                    Wednesday, 3/27/24.  The area can only be entered with a guided hike.
         Jan Frack, 408-425-8108, Bunco Coordinator                              The group size is limited from a minimum of 10 people to a maximum of
                                                                                 20 people.  The fee is $30 per person, plus about $10 carpool fee.  An
                                                                                 email will be sent out the first week of March for a meeting and signups.
                                                                                 Normal Club Trekker hikes will be on the first and third Tuesdays of
                                                                                 each month and the Saturdays immediately following those Tuesdays.
                                                                                 On the other Saturdays of the month we normally conduct neighborhood
                                                                                 walks.  Two days before each hike or walk we send out an email with
                                                                                 details regarding the next hike or walk to members of the Club Trekkers.
                                                                                 Specific hikes may change if the weather changes, and trail safety is
                                                                                 impacted, but the dates will stay the same.  The Trekkers will be in a
                                                                                 flexible mode for March because of the possibility of rain.  There are
                                                                                 several hikes on hard surfaces that can be substituted for the hikes on dirt
         February Bunco Winners Left to Right: Debra Townsend-Most Buncos,       trails if necessary.
         Dolores Contreras-Most Wins, Marilyn Lane-Most Losses,                  3/2/24 - Neighborhood Walk
         Doris Keats-Bunco Baby, Debbie Johnston-Raffle Winner                   3/5/24  Tuesday - Robie Point Firebreak, 4.8 miles, moderate
                                                                                 3/9/24 Saturday - Olmstead Loop, northern section - 5.3 miles, moderate
                CRI (Conservatives, Republicans, and Independents)               3/16/24 Saturday - Neighborhood Walk
                                                                                 3/19/24 Tuesday - Darrington Trail, 6.9 miles, easy/moderate
         Our guest speaker for February was Ryan Ronco.  He is the Placer        3/23/24 Saturday - Empire Mines, 5.9 miles, easy/moderate
         County Clerk and Registrar of Voters.  Some important information that  3/23/24 Wednesday - Sutter Buttes about 5 miles, easy/moderate
         he shared:                                                              3/30/24 Saturday - Neighborhood Walk
         •     All active Registered Voters should have received a ballot by mail  The Trekkers are also planning a 4 day/3night outing to Point Reyes
         •     To Vote in person, visit any vote center in the county            National Seashore starting Monday 4/29/24 through Thursday 5/2/24.
         •     You may complete your vote-by-mail ballot at home and feed it     We’ll be finalizing plans in early April.  Trekkers will receive emails.  If
         into the ballot counter at any vote center to ensure your ballot is counted  you’re not a Trekker and you are interested please contact Mark Moore.
         with the Election Day count.
         •     If you cannot come inside the vote center due to mobility or other              Club Quilters ~ Quilters inspiring Quilters
         issues, curbside voting is available, simply press the blue notification
         button outside the vote center to alert a vote center staff member to bring  We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 10:00 a.m. in The Library.   If you
         your voting material to you.                                            have any questions, please call Carol 361-290-3222
         Our official local vote center locations (there are more listed in your
         Official Voter Guide):                                                                              Club Veterans
         •     Placer County Clerk-Recorder-Elections Office, 3715 Atherton Rd.
         will be open from February 24th – March 5th                             The Club Veterans are always looking for new members within our
         •     Martha Riley Library, 1501 Pleasant Grove Blvd. will be open from  community. Once again, we want to remind you all that one does not
         February 24th – March 5th                                               have to be a Veteran to join our group, in fact half of our half of our
         •     Barbara Chilton Middle School, 4501 Bob Doyle Dr. will be open    board are non-vets!
         from March 2nd – March 5th                                              Our mission is to help veterans in need within the county of Placer. We
         Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 6th (please note the       assist, the old and well as the young of all walks of life. Recently, we
         different day due to the Crab Feed).  Our guest speaker will be Pete    helped fund the construction of the First Veteran’s Resource Center at
         Constant, current President of Placer Joint Union High School District,   William Jessup University. The first of its kind in Northern CA and place
         and candidate for Roseville City Council in our district.               for returning vets to study, chat and relax while adjusting back into
                                                                                 civilian life, getting their degrees, and merging back into the job market.
                                     Club Crafters                               And recently, we’ve begun our first Veteran scholarship program at WJU
                                                                                 as well.
         Whatever your craft or hobby is, we would like to invite you to join    We help those who most have overlooked, and it has been very
         us.  We meet every Tuesday at 10 AM in the library.  Dig out those      rewarding for our membership to meet those we’ve actually helped. The
         unfinished projects and come have a cup of coffee with us, and I        personal connection is great.
         guarantee lots of good conversation and laughs.  We would like to invite  If you are interested, contact a member you might know or one of our
         new residents to stop by anytime and come see what we are doing and     board members. Even easier just show up at one of our meetings held
         perhaps entice you to join our group.                                   every second Thursday of the month. Have a cup of Joe and a donut on
         We also accept yarn and needlework items you no longer want.  If you    us. Hear what we do and meet the team or ask any questions you might
         would like more information about our group, please contact Dona Smith  have. You are always welcome. See you soon!
         at (916) 771-8039 or email
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