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Association Events

         Fred Moyer                                                              up! Shredding will be done for $10.00 / per bankers
         Monday, April 1st at 3:00 p.m.                                          sized box which is approximately 10"H x 12"W x
         Works by Schubert, Rachmaninoff,                                        15"D. You don’t have to use a bankers box but can
         Gershwin as well as jazz selections                                     bring papers down in shopping bags, other boxes, etc.
         Frederick Moyer is one of the most                                      but the dimensions above are $10 if you have
         exciting pianists before the public                                     something bigger it will be $20.  They will bring a vehicle that will shred
         today.  Equally at home with Bach,                                      on-site. This provides a big sense of security and peace of mind.  No
         Beethoven and Rachmaninoff, as well as                                  need to RSVP. CASH ONLY
         Ellington and Gershwin, his recitals are
         creative, engaging and entertaining and generally include time honored
         favorites as well as pieces that audiences may be hearing for the first   Aspects of Memoir Writing Workshop with Judie Rae
         time. Also featured is his MoyerCam, a projection system that allows the   Thursday, April 25th from 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
         audience to see his hands as he plays.                                  Everyone has a tale to tell.  How to tell it is the secret.  In this class we
         $15.00 / per person - RSVP in advance at The Retreat                    will explore writing a memoir incorporating elements of fiction writing:
                                                                                 sense of place, description, dialogue, characterization, conflict, point of
                                                                                 view. Participants will explore the emotional truths that live in their
         BINGO                                                                   memories and focus on ways to bring these stories to life. Please bring
         Tuesday, April 16th at 6:30 p.m.                                        writing materials to class.
         Join us for a night of Bingo.  We will                                  Judie Rae Bio - Judie Rae is the author of the novel, The Haunting of
         play at The Retreat and also on Zoom! We have a good time.  We play     Walter Rabinowitz. Her poems have appeared in many literary journals
         12 games with a break after 6.                                          and anthologies, among them Nimrod, Wisconsin Review, Mudfish. She
         FREE - RSVP in advance at The Retreat.                                  is the author of three chapbooks, The Weight of Roses, Howling Down
         Many thanks to our event sponsor:  Mimi Kim, Realtor and Notary         the Moon, and Family Matters. Recently she co-edited a poetry
                                                                                 anthology, Old Age and Y oung Hearts, published by Kelsay Books. Her
                                                                                 essays have appeared in Tahoe Quarterly, The Sacramento Bee, as well
                                                                                 as online at San Francisco’s NPR station, KQED.  Judie taught English
                                                                                 classes for twenty-seven years at various colleges throughout California.
                                                                                 $20.00 / per person, RSVP in advance at The Retreat

                                                                                 Lunch Around Town - Leo’s Kitchen (OFF SITE)
                                                                                 Friday, April 26th at 11:45 a.m.
                                                                                 Meet at: 7441 Foothills Blvd, Roseville 95747
                                                                                 Leo’s Kitchen has great lunch specials that includes: Soup, Egg Roll,
                                                                                 Rice or Chow Mein and an Entrée.
                                                                                 Lunch Around Town is open for all residents to attend.  Lunch Around
                                                                                 Town is an opportunity to enjoy dining at different restaurants with your
         It’s 5 O'clock Somewhere ~ Incorrigible                                 neighbors. The restaurants we visit allow us to order off of their regular
         Friday, April 19th                                                      lunch menu and graciously provide separate checks to all parties in the
         5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.                                                   group.  MUST RSVP in advance at The Retreat
         Incorrigible_the band will be here
         entertaining you with music you know on
         Guitars, Harmonica, and Vocals.
         Dinner: Chicken Gorgonzola Bowtie Pasta
         with mushrooms, garlic, basil, onion in a
         light cream sauce from Big Al’s served
         with Caesar salad and bread.
         RSVP in advance at The Retreat
         Dinner and Music $19.00 / per person
         Music Only $8.00 / per person

         Shredding Day!
         Tuesday, April 23rd at 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
          10:00 am is the busiest time… come later if possible
         The Shredding Company  (AKA Confidential Document Control LLC)
         will be on-site to take care of your shredding. They will park in the back
         of the parking lot at The Retreat. No reservations needed… just show

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