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                                                                                 cause you to knock yourself off balance and in some cases that can
                             Laura Young, CCAM                                   lead to a misstep and a fall. It seems easy enough, but it can happen

                            Marching on into March. I hope everyone has been     Shoes are important as well. Sandals, flip flops, “slides”, open toed
                            having a lovely winter, crazy weather aside. I’m     and dress shoes should not be worn when working out in the gym. Per
                            looking forward to the warmer temps, outdoor music   the PRG’s, proper tennis / athletic shoes should always be worn. We
                            and movie nights and all the fun that comes with the   have touched on this item before so a brief reminder on this one:
                            sunshine. I know we need the rain but can someone    Please do not drop weights, either the machine weights onto the base
                            tell Mother Nature that moderation is key? Haha.     or the free weights. These activities are damaging to the equipment
                                                                                 and flooring which leads to replacement and repairs sooner than nec-
            On a more serious note, we have had a couple of injuries in the fitness
            center in the last couple months, more specifically surrounding tread-  Spring is nature’s way of saying, “Let’s Party!” – Robin Williams.
            mills and that has me concerned. We want to take every measure pos-  That means lots of fun home improvement projects like painting and
            sible to prevent injuries in and around the Retreat. Firstly, there were   new landscaping. Please remember that any improvements to the
            no lasting injuries from the incidents that have been reported to the   home exterior and landscaping in both the front and backyards re-
            Retreat office. We do have some measures in place for your and oth-
            ers’ safety and we encourage everyone to participate. There are clips   quires ARC approval. Some projects are a quick “Fast Track” applica-
                                                                                 tions. Some must go before the committee for review. The committee
            on the treadmills designed to stop the moving belt should you step too   meets monthly, which means there usually isn’t too much of a delay
            far back or lose your balance. If you aren’t wearing the clip, you will   in application reviews. You may ask, “Why do I have to complete ap-
            likely slide right off the end of the treadmill which unfortunately was   plications for my backyard?” Well, the reason is, any project that
            the case in both latest incidents. The handrails are also there for you to   modifies the landscape, elevation or drainage can have an impact on
            aid in stability. If you are unsteady on your feet, please always use the   your neighbors and we must ensure the work won’t damage your
            handrails. Please do not walk at a pace faster than your abilities.   property or a neighboring property. The ARC guidelines and applica-
            Avoid reaching across your body to press a button on the control pan-  tion are available on the community website, in the annually mailed
            el. Use the arm and hand closest to the button you need to push. Of  budget disclosure package you receive in November and here at The
            ten, we reach across using our dominant hand and that can sometimes
                                                                                 Retreat by request.

                         FROM YOUR LIFESTYLE DIRECTOR                                UPCOMING EVENTS                  DATE               TIME
                          Shannon Van Every                                           Color Pencil Class              Wednesdays            3:00pm
                 or 916-771-7801          Website Training Class          Mon., March 4th      10:00am
                                                                                      Crab Feed                       Thur., March 7th      6:00pm
                                                                                      Cooking with Mayumi Casseroles  Thur., March 7th      6:30pm
            The Club will not be a Polling Place this year.  Nearby polling centers are:  Crab Feed                   Fri., March 8th       6:00pm
              Martha Riley Library, 1501 Pleasant Grove Blvd. will be open from
               February 24th – March 5th                                              Massage                         Mon., March 11th     12:00pm
              Barbara Chilton Middle School, 4501 Bob Doyle Dr. will be open from    Speaker Series - Human Trafficking  Wed., March 13th  6:30pm
               March 2nd – March 5th                                                  Cookie Designing Class          Fri., March 15th      3:30pm
                                                                                      ARC Committee Meeting           Tue., March 19th      8:30am
            We are always looking for Resident articles on Hobbies/Interests, Pet(s),   Trivia                        Tue., March 19th      6:30pm
            Bucket List Stories, Coincidences, anything you think is worth sharing.  If
            you don’t want to write it we can have someone interview you and do the   It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere        Fri., March 22nd      5:00pm
            writing for you.                                                          Community Potluck               Tue., March 26th      5:30pm
                                                                                      Board of Directors Meeting      Wed., March 27th      3:00pm
            Toys for Tots Update,  the following was collected from The Club:         Lunch Around Town - Chili’s     Thur., March 28th    11:45am
            Toys 287                                                                  Easter Egg Hunt                 Sat., March 30th      9:30am
            Stocking Stuffers 33
            Books 31                                                                  Spring Chalk the Walk           April 1st—15th
            A big THANK YOU for the support! Your                                     Fred Moyer Concert              Mon., April 1st       3:00pm
            donations helped to serve a great deal of families                        Bingo                           Tues., April 16th     6:30pm
            during the holiday season.                                                It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere        Fri., April 19th      5:00pm

                                                                                      Shred Day                       Tue., April 23rd     10:00am
            Shredding Day! On-site shredding will take place on Tuesday, April 23rd   Memoir Writing Workshop         Thur., April 25th     3:00pm
            at 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.  A shredding truck will be in The Retreat      Lunch Around Town               Fri., April 26th     11:45am
            parking lot, you can watch on a camera as your items are shredded.
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