Page 28 - 2022-05 Courier
P. 28

Celebrating Mother’s Day                                              Who doesn’t like Agatha Christie? Best-selling
                                                                                 author with 66 mystery books loved and read
           with a Retreat Library Read
                                                                                 Debbie Macomber is one of today’s most popu-
           As we give recognition to mothers, have you ever thought about start-  lar writers worldwide. She brings to life compel-
           ing a mother-daughter (mother-son) book club? It’s a great way to     ling relationships embracing family and enduring
           bond with family and share your love of reading.                      friendships that uplift her readers with stories of
                                                                                 connection and hope. She is a devoted wife, mother, and grandmother.
           Ideas might include:
             Books to movies - read the book then view the movie together.      Here are some older titles to check out or download from other reading
             Cookbooks - select a dish to make together or share in the prepara- sources:
               tion.                                                             Kristin Hannah’s “Winter Garden” is set in 1941 Leningrad. The Her-
             Reading with a grandchild is long remembered with warmth and       ald-News says, “Another powerful story of family love, and strong
               love. Technology allows us to read through Zoom or FaceTime for   women…a fascinating story that weaves fairy tales into reality, fairy
               those living far away!                                            tales that don’t always have the expected endings.”

           Most of us already belong and participate in a book club. And that may  Meg Wolitzer’s “The Interestings” is set during the summer that Nixon
           be enough. Book clubs can be creatively fashioned to what works best  resigns, six teenagers at a summer camp for the arts become insepara-
           for the club members. They can be formal book discussions or as sim-  ble. Decades later the bond remains powerful. In The Interestings,
           ple as reading the same book within a certain length of time. (I read   Wolitzer follows these characters from the height of youth through
           more broadly when my son and daughters ask me to read a particular    middle age, as their talents, fortunes, and degrees of satisfaction di-
           title.)                                                               verge.

           Here are some authors currently in The Retreat Library to consider:   Maya Angelou’s “Letter to My Daughter” is dedicated to the daughter
           Fern Michaels is an American author of romance and thriller           she never had but sees all around her. It transcends genres and
           novels, including nearly 150 bestselling books with nearly 200 million   categories: guidebook, memoir, poetry, and pure delight.
           copies in print.
                                                                                 Happy Mother’s Day!

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