Page 30 - 2022-05 Courier
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SPRING HAS SPRUNG Roseville Police. “My gut feeling is she was trying to steal my dog.”
Because our streets are open to the public, maintained According to that resident, “She followed me for two blocks and kept
by the City of Roseville and not our HOA, everyone touching my belt loop on my jeans so she could tie the leash on my loop
who walks or drives through our streets doesn’t so the dog would walk behind me. She kept asking me to give her the
necessarily live here. So, it’s important to be aware of leash so she could show me how to walk (my dog). After two blocks, I
your surroundings especially when walking. told her my husband was coming so I had to go and she went the other
way.” This resident mentioned the woman smelled of alcohol.” Upon
A FEW TIPS TO HELP YOU SPRING INTO ACTION returning home, she called the Clubhouse, filed a report with the police,
Be aware of your surroundings then notified her block captain. The police drove through the area and
Carry your cell phone at all times were unable to find the woman in question.
If you wear earbuds, be sure to keep one ear unplugged to hear
sounds around you No Solicitation
If someone follows or bothers you, don’t go home. If a “No Soliciting Sign” is posted by or near your front door or window,
Walk to the Retreat if you are able, or call 9-1-1. it means just that. The City of Roseville Municipal Code 10.36.030
Contact your block captain after you report an incident to the states:
Roseville Police “It is unlawful for any person to solicit orders for, to peddle or to hawk
goods, services or merchandise or to conduct any charitable or other
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH ALERT solicitation at any house or residents when a sign in clear view has been
Dog Walking placed prohibiting such solicitation or peddling.”
Date of Incident(s): Saturday, April 9, 2022
Time: Approximately 2:30 pm and 3:00 pm If you would like an official “NO SOLICITING SIGN” issued by the
Roseville Police Department, contact your block captain (listed on the
Two separate incidents occurred to two separate female residents when back pages of the 2022 Resident Directory). If you don’t have a block
walking dogs along Kennerleigh Parkway on Saturday, April 9 between caption contact me at
2:30 and 3:00 PM. An unknown female believed to be in her 40’s and
claiming to be a “dog trainer” followed residents along Kennerleigh Mia Winter, Director
Parkway from the vicinity of The Retreat to Leighham Drive. One The Neighborhood Watch Team
resident was so annoyed by her actions, she filed a report with the
Duane Smith
1+(916) 871-5587
May 2022 Page 30