Page 13 - 2022-03 Courier
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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                      Shutterbugs                                                            Singles Group
         The Shutterbugs next meeting will be in person at our usual time of 2 pm.  help!  Publicity for the event—emails, Shannon’s email blasts, etc. - is
         on Thursday the 3rd of March.  Every resident is always welcome to join  handled by the Communications Director.
         and share photos without having to be an official member.  We kindly
         ask out of consideration for those who are at risk that if you are not fully                       Spite & Malice
         vaccinated and boosted, please do not attend. Please be prepared to share  We play every Sunday at 1pm in the Library.  If you have questions
         your vaccine status.                                                    about our group or wish to learn to play please contact Jerye at 916-773-
         Our photo sharing theme for the March meeting will be choose around 5  6266.
         of your “favorite” photos and share why they are your favorites. Are they
         special because of location, colors, special story or event or something                             Wii Bowling
         new you tried?  See below for April Photo sharing theme.                We are happy to announce that we plan to resume playing on March
         MARCH FIELD TRIP: On Friday, 3/25/2022, our Shutterbugs photo           5th.  Wii Bowling usually plays on the first Saturday of each
         shoot will be held at the Aerospace Museum of California at McClellan   month.  Please watch for your opportunity to RSVP for March on
         Park, about 1/2 an hour away.  We'll meet at the Retreat at 10:30 AM and  Sunday, Feb 20 at approximately 6 pm.  New players, please email Barry
         have lunch, before the photo shoot, at the Officers Club, and then drive to  and Diana Gray at: to receive new player
         Museum.  Admission to the Museum is $10 for Seniors.                    information which includes the process for making your monthly
         The Museum has many exhibits, both indoors and outdoors.  It's truly an  reservation.  Dues of $3 per person are collected the night of the event
         aerospace museum with early propeller driven aircraft, jet aircraft and   and prizes are awarded to the highest scoring team. **Please remember
         rocket engines.  There is a wealth of photo opportunities from the nuts-  full Covid vaccination is required to attend.  We hope to see you then.
         and-bolts details to the whole aircraft.  You can enjoy a worthwhile
         experience, and have a great venue in which take pictures and be able to                     Wine Appreciation (WAG)
         use a tripod.  A registration link email will be sent to all soon which will
         allow us to have a good count for lunch reservations.                   The Wine Appreciation Group is happy to be back once again and our
         Mark your calendars!                                                    March Event is “Take Time to Smell Flowers and Taste Wine” to be held
         Our April field trip will be to Crystal Hermitage Tulip Display of over   on Thursday, March 10, 2022.  Details of this event has been emailed to
         17000 tulips located in Nevada City. Date TBD once we determine the     WAG Members.
         prime tulip viewing days.                                               Spring is in the air as is planning for future WAG events!  We are
         See  We will discuss more at our March   looking forward to winery visits and a bus trip!  More details coming
         meeting.                                                                soon
         Our photo shooting theme for April will be “Whole and a part of the     Thank you to all of you who have volunteered to host the WAG events
         whole” or “Big picture and little picture from big picture”.  For an    for 2022.  Your WAG Steering Committee will be providing a “Host
         example a photo of your back yard would be the big picture and a photo   Training Session” on TUESDAY, MARCH 1st to those of you who
         of a small flower or inside of a small flower from your yard would be the   volunteered to both host and to assist.  Details will be emailed to those
         little picture.                                                         volunteers.  If you are still interested in hosting or assisting for 2022
         A reminder for all that we have decided to standardize on the way we    events, please email to Helen at
         present photos at our meetings. Please send any photos you want to Terry   If you would like to join the Wine Appreciation Group or have any
         and he will prepare for showing at our meeting. You will do the         questions, please feel free to contact me, Helen Warren, 916-768-0122 or
         narration. Several members are not as comfortable sharing and therefore   via email at
         this should make it easier for everyone.                                “Spring and Wine Breathes New Life Into the World Around Us”
         “ATTACHMENTS”. Please do not imbed your photos in the body of the                     Ye Olde WestPark Players - Drama Group
         email which makes it longer to download your files. If you have a       Y.O.W.P.  is working on a production of "Twelve Angry Jurors", a
         question on how to do this, please contact Terry Brady.                 compelling courtroom drama.  This Spring production will feature
         PLEASE NOTE! If you no longer wish to receive any email from our        several of your favorite actors as well as introduce a few new faces.
         group, please send a quick note with the TITLE
         REMOVE ME.
         All club members are encouraged to make sure they become a member of               IT’S TAX SEASON!!
         our Facebook Group at:
         This is a great place to easily share your photos. Give it a try.
         For questions, please contact Terry Brady or Lou
         Frank at or any of your steering committee members.

                                     Singles Group
         If you are interested in coordinating our March event, please contact
         Dona Smith at or (916)771-8039. The
         coordinator gets to choose the event and then makes arrangements
         (reservations) and takes RSVPs. Existing group members are available to
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