Page 18 - 2022-03 Courier
P. 18

Darcy Richardson                                                         Don Fong is a regular Auburn, California
                                I enjoy a position as Customer Service                                   homeboy, raised within a large family of 9
                                Representative here at The Retreat.  Aside                               siblings. Don and his wife, Sally retired and
                                from the 15 months we were closed due to                                 moved to Roseville to be close to their three
                                the Pandemic, I have worked here for 11                                  adult children. For 20 years Don worked for
                                years which gave me the opportunity to                                   the family-owned business in the grocery,
                                establish deep relationships with our                                    food, and beverage industry. He left and
                                Residents. Before that I worked for Pulte -                              worked in professional sales in the electron-
                                Del Webb homes in Sales where I learned                                  ics and insurance industries.
                                about the Del Webb Lifestyle.  I enjoy                                   Retired now Don and Sally enjoy travel-
               swimming and everything else Summer has to offer.                 ing, especially day trips to the wine country and ocean.  They often
                                                                                 take long weekend trips to the coast visiting Carmel, Monterey, and
                                                                                 Santa Barbara sunsets. Don enjoys a good game of chess, Dominoes,
                                        David Brown                              or card games of every type. Don is also a Nascar, Indy, and Formula
                                        When you’ve lived a little you have an   1 fan enthusiast.
                                        opportunity to travel many roads. Mine
                                        have included a ten year stint in the me-                       Ian Wallace
                                        dia as a radio DJ/Sportscaster and a sec-                       I am a Computer Science student at Folsom
                                        ond career in hospitality and restaurant,                       City College.  I enjoy playing trombone and
                                        primarily in the Monterey Peninsula. My                         teaching brass for beginning musicians. My
                                        life philosophy is quite simple. First,                         position at The Club started June 2021 while
               never take yourself too seriously. Second, never, ever embarrass                         we were still closed.  It has been a fun
               anybody, especially a loved one in public. And finally, don’t lose                       learning experience.
               your sense of humor! It’s worked for me for nearly seven decades.
               Now if I could only get Rogaine to work!

                            A note from Your                                     There were 202 responses.  The Survey Monkey went to everyone’s
                                                                                 email address at The Club.

             Communications Committee   Q1 What day of the week would you prefer the Board of Directors
                       (Barbara Boyer, Debbie Ferris, Judy Panish
                             and Board Liaison Jill Egbert.)                     Tuesday - 43%
                                                                                 Wednesday - 50%
           Hi Neighbors,                                                         Thursday - 18%

           Formerly known as Fireside Chats we introduce you to Community        Q2 What start time would you prefer?
           Chats.  Community Chats will be more vendor and topic specif-
           ic.  Since the Board previously only met quarterly, Fireside Chats were   1 PM - 39%
           an opportunity to share your concerns and ask questions               3 PM - 31%
           with two Board Members. Our Board meetings are now month-             5 PM - 30%
           ly with two open forums for you to share your concerns and ask ques-
           tions. So, to set expectations we wanted to share this with           Q3 If Zoom was not an option in the future, would you attend the
           you.  Moving forward you will be hearing more about Community         Board of Directors meetings in person?
           Chats and your opportunity to participate.
                                                                                 Yes - 64%
           We would also like to share with you the results of the Survey Mon-   No -  36%
           key regarding Board meetings, January 2022.                           Setting the day and time for the meeting will be discussed by the
                                                                                 Board and the community will be notified of its decision.

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