Page 23 - 2022-03 Courier
P. 23

Club Classifieds

           2x. Kore 2.0 watches                                                OAK Entertainment Center for 65" TV
           Black  $60 each                                                     95" long x 77" high x 23" deep with glass doors, shelves and room
           New Smart watch. Touch screen. Long lasting battery.                for 65" TV.
           Tracking. New. Never used.                                          Fits perfect in a Cooper family room.
           Contact: 916- 773-6266                                              $495 Contact: 916-872-8060

           2 Orchids - Free                                                    Motown Performance - 2 Tickets
           Looking for good home. One 5"pot and one 4" pot. Healthy; one in    March 25th at from 7 - 9 p.m. at Sun City
           bud. Please rescue them before my black thumb does them in.         $70.00 for both Call Susan 925-437-6476
           Contact:  916-749-4406 or
                                                                               Ashtrays for Sale
           6' Sturdy Ladder - Free                                             Ashtrays collected for over 50 years.  Each one has a logo or writing
           Good ladder, 6 foot, OSHA rated, heavy duty, but shows its years of  on it from where it was procured.  Over 200 and from famous places
           use. Contact; or 916-749-4406                like Beverly Hills Hotel and Caesars Palace.
                                                                               Contact: 310-918-3493

                                                          Do you have something to sell?

                                                                 Try our Classifieds!
                    Visit the community website to view photographs and review the most up to date ads.
                              To have your ad included in the next Courier, visit our website or email your ad to

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