Page 24 - 2022-03 Courier
P. 24
Neighbor to Neighbor
HOME COVID TESTS “You should store your test based
on the storage instructions on the
The shelf life of test kits generally package,” Scuderi said. “It’s
varies among different important to note that storage
manufacturers. For instance, the conditions are important and
RapCov Rapid COVID-19 Test storing the test outside of these
can be stored for eight months. parameters can affect the accuracy
Meanwhile, the shelf lives of two of the test. Be sure to clearly
antigen tests, namely the review temperature and storage
BinaxNOW COVID-19 Ag Card recommendations before using a
and CareStart COVID-19 Antigen specific test.” Rapid antigen tests
Test, were extended to 12 months aren’t designed to withstand
after the Food and Drug moisture, extreme humidity, or
Administration (FDA) reviewed freezing temperatures. The Clip
their stability studies. COVID Rapid Antigen Test, for
How Should You Store Test Kits? example, should be stored at 59°F
The test kit’s expiration date is not to 86°F.
the only factor that may affect its
quality. The way you store it
matters, too. expiration-5209949
“Neighbor to Neighbor” items are helpful hints submitted by our
residents who have concerns or would like to share information.
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March 2022 Page 24