Page 22 - 2023-01
P. 22
Horse by Geraldine Brooks was on the shelf at
the time of this write-up. Time says, “Horse isn’t
just an animal story – it’s a moving narrative
about race and art.” Geraldine Brooks is a Pulitzer
The Retreat Library hosts fiction, nonfiction and biographies for your Prize winner who braids a story of spirit, obses-
convenience to read at your leisure. The volunteer team really appreci- sion and injustice across American history.
ates your thoughtful donations of current, popular titles. We love
current, diverse titles you have found interesting, inspirational or just Go back in time with a fascinating title about
plain fun . Everyone reads for various reasons and a well-loved library Hollywood’s Golden Age.
has a little something for everyone. Borrow from the shelves of The Mercury Pictures Presents
Retreat Library and return simply at your leisure. While there are no by Anthony Marra is a
loan limits, please be diligent with returning popular titles for others to magnificent tribute to the
enjoy. immigrant community and
their contributions to the nation’s war propagan-
If your goal for this new year is to clear off home book shelves, da efforts in Hollywood during the 1940s. The
consider the new published titles landing at The Retreat Library with tale weaves itself across two continents and
the older published titles being donated to the Roseville Public Li- through several decades with characters and a
brary (RPL) or other book drops like at Whole Foods. For a large style that incorporates wit and thoughtfulness. It
donation, please contact the Friends at to is a reminder that we are a nation of immigrants
arrange for a drop-off time at the RPL Downtown branch. who have each contributed to the rich and color-
The next FOL Book Sale will be at the Downtown Library on ful tapestry of American history.
February 4, 2023 from 10:00am-3:00pm. If you wish to volunteer,
use the above email to communicate with them. The FOL support Are you an published author? Would you like to be considered for a
library programming among other resources. local author speaking series at the Roseville Public Library this fall?
Send me an email ( or call me and leave a
The feature books for this month include two different authors both message. I’m in the neighborhood directory.
deserving of a “look see”. May 2023 bring joy and laughter!
Both authors have other titles you may wish to check out too. Sara Schlehofer
Thank you!! We have been able to
help so many kids have a great
Christmas! And it wouldn't happen
without generous people like our
neighbors here in The Club.
Witches of WestPark
2022 Collection:
Toys: 192 That includes 4 bikes with helmets.
Stocking Stuffers (smaller items): 57
Books: 5
Thank you,
Debbie and Ed Johnston
January 2023 Page 22