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ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER                                   2023 Landscape Maintenance Information

                          Christina Gee
                                             BrightView has provided a condensed calendar of services to be
                                                                                      provided throughout 2023 in conjunction with the weekly
                           I wanted to provide a few reminders and updates regarding  scheduled maintenance. Below are the first four months of 2023.
                          the ARC Application process and Landscape Maintenance
                          for the upcoming year.                                      JANUARY
                         2023 ARC Meeting Information                                        Prune Roses
                                                                                             Prune Trees for pedestrian Clearance
           ARC meetings are held on the 4  Tuesday of each month at 8:30am in the            Cut Certain perennials and grasses to ground level
           card room at The Retreat.                                                         Perform tree stake maintenance as needed
                                                                                             Mowing every other week
           Applicants are not required to attend the meeting; however, it is strongly   FEBRUARY
           recommended that all applicants attend the meeting in which their                 Fertilization and pre-emergent in shrub beds
           application is to be reviewed.                                                    Begin irrigation “Spring Checks”
           All applications must be received by the 3  Tuesday of each month to be           Hard pruning (Shrubs and plants) as needed
                                                                                             Aphid prevention applications to required trees
           included on that month’s agenda.
                                                                                             Mowing every other week
                 MEETING DATE                  APPLICATION DUE                        MARCH
                      24 January                       17 January                            Structural pruning of required trees
                      28 February                     21 February                            Continue irrigation checks and repairs
                      28 March                        21 March                               Aphid prevention applications to required trees continued
                      25 April                        18 April                               Weed spraying and hand pulling
                      23 May                          16 May                                 Section pruning
                      27 June                         20 June                                Mowing every other week
                      25 July                         18 July                         APRIL
                      22 August                       15 August                                Irrigation Checks and repairs
                      26 September                    19 September                             Weed spraying & Aeration
                      24 October                      17 October                               Pruning in zone
                      28 November                     21 November                              Weekly mowing starts
                          NO MEETING HELD IN DECEMBER

                        FROM YOUR LIFESTYLE DIRECTOR                                 UPCOMING EVENTS                  DATE                 TIME
                                                                                      Watercolor Painting Class       Thur., Jan. 5th        1:30pm
                       Shannon Van Every                                              Spaghetti Feed                  Wed., Jan. 4th         6:00pm
              or 916-771-7801             Cooking Class - Hearty Soups    Sun., Jan. 8th         2:00pm

           Oh what a year! Events in January, February, and March were cancelled out  Massage                         Fri., Jan. 13th        9:00am
           of precaution and then opened back up to spring time, with the pool being   Trivia                         Tues., Jan. 17th       6:30pm
           heated for the season and aqua classes back on the calendar.   We welcomed   Karaoke Night                 Thur., Jan. 19th       7:00pm
           Ceren Pasaoglu and MaryAnn DePietro as fitness instructors.  They brought   Chinese Dinner                 Sun., Jan. 22nd        6:00pm
           new ideas by adding the TRX and the Balance, Posture and Stretch classes   Massage                         Mon., Jan. 23rd       12:00pm
           to our fitness lineup.  Most recently we welcomed Jessica White who will
           be subbing here and there and teaching the 9:15am Thursday Strong &        Community Potluck               Tue., Jan 24th         5:30pm
           Stable classes.                                                            ARC Committee Meeting           Tue., Jan. 24th        8:30am
                                                                                      Board of Directors Meeting      Wed., Jan. 25th        3:00pm
           We are sorry to see Mia Winter step down from Neighborhood Watch after     Bingo                           Sat., Feb. 4th         6:30pm
           the many years she dedicated to running a great program for the community.  California Water Presentation  Tues., Feb. 7th        4:00pm
           If you are interested in learning about what is involved in leading the    Comedy Show & Dinner            Sun., Feb. 12th        6:00pm
           Neighborhood Watch Group please reach out to me. At this time we don’t
           have anyone to fill this important position.

           We were “back on the bus” with a trip to Nevada City for their annual Victorian Christmas event.  The weather was cold but no precipitation.
           What a wonderful evening of shopping, dining, and holiday street performers. This was the first trip since 2019.  I look forward to scheduling
           many bus trips in 2023.  I have received some requests so far to visit Napa and Fioli Gardens in Woodside.  Please let me know what trips you
           would like me to research… I look forward to hearing from you.

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