Page 27 - 2022-09
P. 27

August is back to school for many.                                   Roseville events you won’t want to miss:
            However, at The Retreat Library:                                     September is Library Card Sign-Up Month! If you are new to the
                                                                                 area, welcome. Roseville Public Library cards are free and the nearest
                                                                                 branch is located at 1530 Pleasant Grove Blvd. Here’s a fun little fact
            A is for authors. At the Retreat Library, all fiction novels are orga-  - over 90,000 items were checked during the month of July alone.
            nized by the author’s last name independent of the genre. Take a look
            at Albom, Anderson, Andres, Archer, Atwood, Alcott and more.
                                                                                 Family Fest is back and a great way to celebrate families of all
                                                                                 ages. There will be a lot of activity with over 50 vendors, 2 kid zones,
            B is for browse. Did you know the Retreat Library has over 1,200     live performances and food trucks. This annual event will be held at
            titles to select from? And because additions are new publications, the   Vernon Street Town Square with two parking garages nearby on Sep-
            inventory is freshened monthly. Browse the new items shelf that in-  tember 24  and entry to the event is free.
            cludes (at the time of this writing) memoirs, mysteries, historical fic-
            tion and a classic novel. All donated by community members. If you
            enjoy an author, search the local library for even more titles.      Holiday Craft Fair is back by popular de-
                                                                                 mand. If you are a crafter looking for a place
                                                                                 to share your creativity or if you wish to do
            C is for checking out a book for free, no overdue fees and unlimited   some early holiday shopping, mark your cal-
            loan times.
                                                                                 endars to stop by the Maidu Community Cen-
                                                                                 ter at 1550 Maidu Drive in Roseville on Sat-
            Stop by and pick up a title or two today. If there is a Retreat Library   urday, November 5, 2022 from 9am-3pm.
            topic you wish to hear or know more about, please send me an email.   Website:

                                                                                                                 Duane Smith

                                                                                                             1+(916) 871-5587

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