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We have three exciting and informative events coming up in September    of The Club, will be on hand to personally talk to you about their duties
         and October. Be sure to attend.  I want to thank Jan Frack, Block       with the P.D. and how you too can volunteer.  To support Neighborhood
         Captain, Devonport Loop for securing our donation sponsors. See you all  Watch operations, you’ll have a chance to win gift cards donated by
         soon. RSVP links for Zoom and in-person attendance will be emailed      Roseville businesses. You might get lucky and win our grand prize 3-
         out. Mia Winter, Director, The Neighborhood Watch Team                  rooms of carpet cleaning valued at $100.  You don’t need to be present to
                     SEPTEMBER 13     TH  – 2:00 - 3:30 PM, ROSEVILLE P.D.       win. Ticket donations are $2 per ticket or 3 tickets for $5. For more
                     SPECIAL PRESENTATION                                        information contact Mia Winter,
                     OPEN TO ALL CLUB RESIDENTS                                                  FALL NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH MEETING –
                     Lt. Jeff Kool, Patrol Administration, Roseville Police                      TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11 – SPEAKERS:  FBI
         Department, will talk tips on PERSONAL SAFETY WHILE YOU’RE                              OPEN TO ALL CLUB RESIDENTS
         OUT AND ABOUT IN ROSEVILLE. Whether you’re shopping and                                 Just a heads-up: The Fall Neighborhood Watch Meeting,
         someone uses a device to unlock your car with you inside; or what to do                 our final meeting of the year, takes place Tuesday,
         if something out-of-the-ordinary happens on your street?  In addition,                  October 11  Wellness Room from 6:00 to 7:30 pm.
         you will learn how is developed and RPD’s              TOPIC SUMMARY:
         partnership with the company.  Finally, Lt. Kool will go over the new   FBI agents will be presenting “TRENDS IN FRAUD”.  The FBI has
         “LICENSE PLATE READER PROGRAM” in operation now. For your  encountered an unprecedented spike in online scams costing victims in
         donation of $2 per ticket or 3 for $5, you will have a chance to win a   the Sacramento area over $10 million in losses each month. The
         wine & cheese basket, donated by local Roseville businesses, to support  presentation will highlight the top five most egregious schemes and it
         NW Operations.                                                          will provide tools to protect against these online predators.

                      OCTOBER 7  VISIT OUR BOOTH AT THE HOA                      We will have a big drawing at the end of the meeting to support
                      OPEN HOUSE FROM 4-6 PM                                     Neighborhood Watch Operations. Ticket donations are $2.00 per ticket
                      Be sure to stop by our booth to pick-up a complimentary    or 3 tickets for $5.00. You must be present to win!! THANK YOU TO
                      “No Soliciting Sign” from the City of Roseville Police     OUR NW EVENT SPONSOR:  Sr. Real Estate Specialist Mimi Kim,
                      Department.  Learn more about Neighborhood Watch and       Masters Club Outstanding Producer & Outstanding Life Member,
         how this Shared Interest Group is helping our community stay safe and   Coldwell Banker, Sun Ridge Real Estate. For more information, contact
         secure.  Two Roseville Police Department volunteers, who are residents   Mia Winter,

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