Page 4 - 2022-09
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FROM YOUR GENERAL MANAGER, Spiro Stamos                                                            Job Responsibilities
                                                                                                                             To streamline your questions
                                                                                                                                   and concerns
                                                      ENERGY CONSERVATION
                              Following are some steps you can take to lower your cooling needs and help save on        Spiro Stamos, General Manager:
                                                                                                                         Board of Director/Operational
                            energy costs:                                                                                Retreat Maintenance
                              Set your air conditioning thermostat to the highest setting comfortable for you. Setting the   Voting/Ballot Questions
                            temperature at 78ºF instead of 70ºF can cut air conditioning costs by as much as 30%.        Billing & Accounting Concerns
                                                                                                                         Resident Portal Issues
                              Shading window areas can prevent sunlight from entering your home and causing heat
                            gain.                                                                                        Christina Gee, Assist. GM:
            A fan can improve the effectiveness of your air conditioner by circulating the already cooled air. You may   Landscaping concerns
                                                                                                                         ARC Submittals
             also find that fans will provide enough of a cooling effect to allow you to eliminate the use of the air    Work Orders
             conditioner.                                                                                                Compliance (violations)
            When the outdoor temperature is cool enough, open windows for fresh and free comfort conditioning.          Retreat Maintenance
                                                                                                                         Billing & Accounting Concerns
            Consider using an evaporative cooler which uses less energy to cool a home than conventional air            Resident Portal Issues
             conditioning units.                                                                                         ClickPay Issues
            When investing in or replacing an air conditioner, select the most efficient model. It may cost more than less   Shannon Van Every,  Lifestyle:
             efficient systems but can substantially reduce your operating costs.                                        Event planning, scheduling, questions
                                                                                                                         Monthly Courier Questions/Ads
                                          Avoiding Conflict with the Neighbors                                           SIG (coordination, planning, and imple-
          We all can just get along. The key? Communication. It is often the best way to prevent and resolve conflict before  Fitness Class Questions/Scheduling/
          it reaches the legal system. You do not have to be friends or spend time together to achieve a peaceful co-    Orientations
                                                                                                                         Fitness and Event Refunds
          existence, but you should try to be a good neighbor and follow these tips:                                     Private and Resident Facility Rentals
            Say, “Hello.” At the mailbox, while walking the dog or when you see a moving van arrive, introduce          Resident Portal Sign-Up
             yourself. Learn your neighbors’ names and regularly offer a friendly greeting.                              ClickPay Questions
            Provide a heads-up. If you are planning a construction project, altering your landscaping or hosting a big   WestPark Website Inquiries
             party, contact your neighbors beforehand.                                                                   Drew Glover, Maintenance:
            Do unto others. Treat neighbors as you would like to be treated. Be considerate about noise from vehicles,   General Plumbing & Electrical
                                                                                                                         Establish & Maintain Preventative
             stereos, pets, etc.                                                                                         Maintenance Schedule
            Know your differences. Try to understand each other. Differences in age, ethnic background and years in the   Pool & Spa Chemicals
             neighborhood can lead to different expectations or misunderstandings.                                       Set-Up / Tear Down for SIGs & HOA
                                                                                                                         Vendor Management
            Consider the view. Keep areas of your property that others can see presentable.                             Fire & Safety Maintenance
            Appreciate them. If the neighbors do something you like, let them know. They will be pleased you noticed,   Fitness Equipment Maintenance
             and it will be easier to talk later if they do something you do not like.                                   General overall cleanliness of entire
                                                                                                                         Retreat Property
            Stay positive. Most people do not try to create problems. If a neighbor does something that irritates you, do   Bocce Court - Rolling
             not assume it was deliberate.                                                                               The Retreat Security Equipment
            Talk honestly. Tolerance is important, but do not let a real irritation go because it seems unimportant or hard   (Sonitrol)
             to discuss. Let your neighbors know if something they do is annoying.                                       Customer Service Representatives:
            Be respectful. Talk directly to your neighbors if there is a problem. Gossiping with others can damage      Fitness and Event Registration
             relationships and create trouble.                                                                           Name Badges and Access cards
                                                                                                                         Event Set Up and Tear Down
            Remain calm. If a neighbor mentions a problem they have with you, thank them for the input. You do not      General Inquiries
             have to agree or justify any behavior. Wait for any anger to subside before responding.
            Listen carefully. When discussing a problem, try to understand your neighbor’s position and why he or she
             feels that way.
            Take your time. Take a break to think about what you and your neighbor have discussed. Arrange to finish the conversation at another time.

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