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                          Christina Gee
                                              A R C =                            changes you make require an ARC approval.

                           ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE                        Remember, you can find an ARC application with the submission
                                                                                 process on The Club at WestPark website as well as a hard copy at
            The Club at WestPark has a wonderful Architectural Review Com-       The Retreat kiosk. Keep in mind that the submittal information pro-
            mittee consisting of three gentlemen who donate their time. They     vided with the ARC application is limited. Before submitting your
            carefully review each application to make the best and sound decision   application, please review the details in the Governing Documents,
            with the information provided on a submitted application. When they   PRG’s and ARC Guidelines for accuracy of your application. The
            sign off on an application, they are stating that the application con-  responsibility of the application begins with the person making the
            tained all the necessary information and followed the Governing Doc-  request.
            uments, PRGs and the ARC Guidelines for The Club at WestPark.                                 th
            That is a substantial responsibility to take.                        Meetings are held on the 4  Tuesday of every month at 8:30am in the
                                                                                 card room at The Retreat.
            Most applications are self-explanatory and approved without delay or
            question; however, there are some that require more detail. When an   Application submission deadline for an ARC meeting is the Wednes-
            application is denied at an ARC Meeting, it is usually due to lack of   day prior to the upcoming meeting.
            information or clarity. Many times, all it takes is for the member to be
            present at the meeting to explain the missing details. This information
            is noted on the minutes and included in the members approval letter          Remaining 2022 ARC Schedule:
            as well. When the clarity cannot be obtained, the application will be   Application due September 21st / Meeting September 27th
            denied and the reason for the denial will be provided in a letter. An      Application due October 19th / Meeting October 25th
            application that has been denied can always be resubmitted for review    Application due November 16th / Meeting November 22
            with the required information.                                                        (No meeting held in December)
            What is an application used for? Painting your home, Solar Tube In-
            stallation, Solar Installation, Carriage Lights, Screen/Security Doors,
            Patio Covers, Fountains, Landscape Modifications, etc. Any exterior

                        FROM YOUR LIFESTYLE DIRECTOR                                 UPCOMING EVENTS                   DATE                TIME
                       Shannon Van Every                                              Painting Class - weekly          Thur., Sept. 1st     1:30pm
              or 916-771-7801             Travel Presentation              Thur., Sept. 8th    11:00am
                                                                                      Dueling Pianos Show              Sun., Sept. 11th     5:30pm
                                                                                      Flu Shot Clinic                  Tue., Sept. 13th    10:00am
           Fitness Updates - In October there will not be Water Aerobic classes       Lunch Around Town - Monk’s Cellar  Fr., Sept. 16th   11:45am
           any longer.  MaryAnn and Ceren put together a great new line up of classes
           to include: Chair Fitness class similar to the Shape Up and Sit & Stretch   Green Acres Presentation        Mon., Sept. 19th     3:00pm
           classes in years past.   It will be completely chair based unlike Strong &   Trivia                         Tue., Sept. 20th     6:30pm
           Stable which is mostly out of the chair but using it for balance here and   Community Chat                  Wed., Sept. 21st     1:00pm
           there.  A Balance, Posture & Stretch class and TRX. Class descriptions and   Summer Music - Threshold       Fri., Sept. 23rd     7:00pm
           schedule can be found on page 15.                                          Chair Massage                    Mon., Sept. 26th     3:00pm
                                                                                      ARC Meeting                      Tues., Sept. 27th    8:30am
           Craft Fair - the Craft Fair will be held on Saturday, December 3rd.        Potluck                          Tues., Sept. 27th    5:30pm
           Resident registration will take place on Tuesday, October 4th and          Board Meeting                    Wed., Sept. 28th     3:00pm
           Non-Resident registration will take place on Tuesday, November 1st. Table   Craft Fair Registration         Tues., Oct. 4th      8:00am
           pricing is on page 7.
                                                                                      OPEN HOUSE                       Fri., Oct. 7th       4:00pm
                                                                                      Bingo                            Sun., Oct. 9th       6:30pm
           Dueling Pianos is scheduled for Sunday, September 11th and is a show
           NOT to be missed.   These guys will entertain you, have you clapping,      Shred Day                        Tue., Oct. 11th     10:00am
           dancing, and singing along!  An optional catered dinner is being offered   Lunch Around Town - BJ/s         Fri., Oct. 14th     11:45am
           before hand to make for a beautiful evening here at The Retreat.           Knife Sharpening                 Thur., Oct. 20th     9:00am
                                                                                      CHP Museum Tour                  Tue., Oct. 25th     11:00am
           OPEN HOUSE - mark your calendar to be at The Retreat on Friday,            Pumpkin Carving Contest          Thur., Oct. 27th     2:00pm
           October 7th at 4pm.  Bring your family and friends!  There will be games,   Halloween Party                 Thur., Oct. 27th     7:00pm
           food and live music. Free admission, but tickets purchased to eat and play.  Food & Wine Fair               Thur., Nov., 3rd     2:00pm

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