Page 13 - 2021-09 Courier
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September Fitness Schedule

                                            Classes are paid for by the month at $4.00 / per class.

                                                  Drop-Ins are $6.00 and based on availability
                                           Call (916-771-7801) or come by The Retreat to enroll.

                             **NO CLASSES LABOR DAY, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6TH**

               FITNESS CLASS                Instructor  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday                                       Charge

                 Strong & Stable              Brandi                         8:00am                           8:00am                         $28

                      Zumba                   Brandi          8:00am                         8:00am                                          $32

                 Strong & Stable              Brandi                         9:00am                           9:00am                         $28

                       Pilates                Brandi          9:00am                         9:00am                          9:00am          $40

            Total Body Conditioning           Brandi                        10:30am                          10:30am                         $36

                  Aqua Aerobics               Brandi         10:30am                         10:30am                        10:30am          $40
                   (Fast paced)

                  Aqua Aerobics               Brandi         11:30am                         11:30am                        11:30am          $40
                   (Slow paced)

                  Aqua Zumba                  Brandi                        11:30am                          11:30am                         $28

                        Yoga                    Kelli                        5:00pm                           5:00pm                         $36

                  Aqua Aerobics               Brandi                         6:00pm                           6:00pm                         $28

               IS WATER CLASS CANCELLED?                                        Meet Jared Young

                                                                               I’m an ISSA Certified Personal
                 If the air                                                   Trainer and Specialist in Fitness
              quality is in the                                                Nutrition. I have been a Fitness
             green and yellow                                                     Professional since 2004. I
                 class will                                                   specialize in Senior Fitness and I
                 be held.                                                      am looking forward to working
              If it is orange or                                              with you towards your health and
               red then class                                                           fitness goals.
             will be cancelled.

                  Check                                                                      Contact Jared for one on one Training
                                                                Email - or 916-305-4650

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