Page 9 - 2021-09 Courier
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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                     CRI Group                                                               Club Crafters

         CRI (Conservatives, Republicans and Independents)                       welcome to contribute. All of these are great projects to give back to the
         Where were you when the world stopped turning?  It’s been 20 years      community while doing something fun with your neighbors. If you have
         since 9-11.  Some days it seems like just yesterday that the world      craft items to donate, we are happy to take them. For more information
         watched the NY skyline and American lives change forever.  One of the  about our group, projects, or to donate items, contact Denise Caputo at
         most important things in our lives became “Safety”.                     916-782-1663 or email
         Safety is still a very important part of our everyday life.  Our guest
         speaker at our August meeting emphasized that and said that Safety for                             Club Trekkers
         the people of CA would be number one on his agenda, if he is elected.
         Judge Steven Bailey is running in the Primary for Attorney General of   The Club Trekkers have hikes on Tuesdays and Saturdays.  The location
         CA.  He served in the El Dorado County Superior Courts.  He was         of the hikes, and the length of the hikes vary depending on weather
         assigned to Criminal, Civil, Probate and Juvenile Delinquency Cases.    conditions.  We will meet in the Retreat’s parking lot to form
         He was one of only two judges in the South Lake Tahoe Court.  He        carpools.  Everyone who has joined the Club Trekkers on the Club’s
         decided issues that affected the lives of children and families.        website will receive an email several days before a hike letting them
         He stated that he will be tough on crime.  He will support our police and  know the location of the hike, the time we’ll be departing the Retreat’s
         work to ensure that criminals will not be released early.  Homelessness is  parking lot, and other pertinent details.  If you have questions contact
         increasing in CA.  He said that while housing is extremely important to   Mark Moore at, or call him at 408-375-0383.
         solve the homeless issue, it is only a Band-Aid.  It is his opinion that we
         need to get to the root of the issue before we can really resolve the                 Club Quilters ~ Quilters inspiring Quilters
         problem.  He wants the courts to have more choices in fighting
         homelessness,  such as:  job training, mental health, and drug rehab    We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 10:00 a.m. in The Library.   If you
         facilities.                                                             have any questions please call Carol 361-290-3222
         Judge Bailey is one of three current conservative candidates who will be
         running in the Primary election.  We heard from Nathan Hochman in                                   Club Veterans
         July.  The third candidate is Eric Early.
         Save the date:  CRI BBQ - October 2 , 4-7 PM.  Contact Gina at          Club Veterans BBQ on Patriots Day for reservations.  $25/person. We will do  DON’T MISS THIS EVENT:  The Club Veteran’s Annual BBQ event
         ticket sales on Saturday, August 28 , September 11  and the 18  (cash   will be held on September 11th, Patriots Day. This year due to limited
         only please) from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at The Retreat.                       space, the higher cost of food and the Pandemic only those who make
         If you want more information about our group, contact Randy at          reservations will be allowed to partake in the event. In addition, here are or check out our group page at CRI                 a few more important points to keep in mind.
         ( To join our group contact Alice at           • Reservations are to be pre-paid, there will be no “walk-ins or paying at                                                     the door” allowed. The doors open at 5:00 PM, dinner is at 5:30 -
         Our next meeting will be at The Retreat on September 2  at 7 PM.     8:00PM.
                                                                                 • The reservation and BBQ $25.00 per person, only cash or checks
                                   Chair Volleyball                              payable to the Club Veterans will be accepted.
                                                                                 • This event is for the whole Club community, NOT just veterans.
         We are currently playing Wednesdays at 7pm (except the 1st and 3rd      • The funds raised by providing our community with this BBQ will go to
         Wednesday). Join us!                                                    support a variety of local veteran projects to those veterans in need i.e.
                                                                                 The Placer County Stand Down and the Placer Food Bank’s “Turkey
                                     Club Crafters
                                                                                 • Yes, as usual the veterans will be cooking and serving at the event.
         Every Tuesday 10AM join us in the library. Whatever                     “The Best BBQ around”
         your craft, learn new skills, complete unfinished                       • This year’s Menu: Slow roasted succulent Pork Loin (lip smacking
         projects, expand your abilities while enjoying the                      good) and our fresh “Down Range” Chicken. There will be a variety of
         company of your friends and neighbors.                                  time-tested side dishes to select from as well; Baked Beans, Lupe’s
         Our ongoing project is making blankets for Sacramento                   Famous Corn Salad, Creamy Mac-N-Cheese, Roll/butter, Dessert, Ice
         Blankets for Sacramento Kids. SBSK provides                             Tea and Coffee or bring your own beverage of choice.
         handmade blankets to children in the Sacramento and
         Placer Counties, in addition to State and National                                          Club at WestPark Democrats
         emergencies. The blankets are distributed to children in                In response to World War II, the United Nations (UN) was established in
         homeless shelters, hospitals, schools, etc. We accept knitted, crocheted,   1945 with an aim to maintain international peace and security, develop
         sewn, quilted, and no-sew fleece blankets from the community for        friendly relations among nations, achieve international cooperation, and
         donation.                                                               to be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations (UN Charter Article
         We continue to give to Sacramento Shriners Hospital. Every year         I
         Shriners has a wish list of items they need; anyone in the community is   Over time, the UN has established or sponsored numerous Observances.

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