Page 31 - 2021-09 Courier
P. 31
It's Time to "Fall"
Into a Good Book
The Club Library is open with thousands of
books for all residence to enjoy. Choose a fic-
tion, nonfiction, and biography book simply by
visiting the library. Borrowing is simple; make
your selection, start reading, and return the
book(s) in the clearly marked basket when you
are finished. If you borrowed books before the
Covid lockdown, they may still be returned, as
well as gently-used new donations. The Club
Library volunteers will be brainstorming for
program ideas to present to the community. Neighborhood Notary*
Some of these ideas may include guest speak- Leyhun Tan
ers, resident authors sharing their writings, book talks, book lists for adults and appropriate Call (310) 753-8761
reading gifts for grandchildren, and how to read with young people in-person or virtually. Resident of The Club at WestPark
Available at your convenience
Thank you to Scott Fischer, Debbie Ferris, Judi Peterson, Barbara Boyer, Julie Good, including weekends
Mary Templeton, Darlene Johnson, and Sara Schlehofer for their efforts of bringing this
wonderful space and inventory back to life after the pandemic closure. Also, a huge thank Notary Commission #2314234
you to Shannon for her support. These Club Library volunteers have worked hard to update CA Real Estate Broker Lic.
and organize this lovely space for your enjoyment. If you love to read, it's time to "fall" into #01250667
a good book.
Thank you so much, if you should have any questions, please reach out.
Resident, Sara Schlehofer
September 2021 Page 31