Page 29 - 2022-07
P. 29

            Happy 4  of July! It’s time to put down the beach balls and pick up
            your next read at the Retreat Library. Featured this month are titles cel-
            ebrating our nation’s independence and participation to maintain our   ness firsthand the horrors their people have suffered in the concentra-
            freedoms. Nonfiction titles are available at your Retreat Library and a   tion camps, the men launch a brutal and calculating campaign of venge-
            collection worth checking out. Here are a few titles that stand out as   ance, forming secret squads to identify, locate, and kill Nazi officers in
            must reads:                                                         hiding. Their own ferocity threatens to overwhelm them until a fortui-
                                                                                tous encounter with an orphaned girl sets the men on a course of ac-
            “Tom Brokaw the Greatest Generation” by Tom Brokaw - In this mag-   tion—rescuing Jewish war orphans and transporting them to Pales-
            nificent testament to a nation and her people, he brings to life the ex-  tine—that will not only change their lives but also help create a nation
            traordinary stories of a generation that gave new meaning to courage,   and forever alter the course of world history.
            sacrifice, and honor.
                                                                                Some of these titles are no longer available
            “The Secret War”  by Max Hastings - From one a historian of the peri-  (new) in print format (only digital). If you
            od and the acclaimed author of “Inferno” and “Catastrophe: 1914”, this   like holding a book, these and other titles in
            title is a sweeping examination of one of the most important yet under-  the nonfiction area of the Retreat Library
            explored aspects of World War II—intelligence—showing how espio-    should move to the top of your reading list.
            nage successes and failures by the United States, Britain, Russia, Ger-  The nonfiction area is located on the
            many, and Japan influenced the course of the war and its final outcome.  shelves to the right of the closet door.
            “The Brigade: An Epic Story of Vengeance, Salvation, and WWII” by
            Howard Blum - November 1944. The British government finally agrees  ~ Sara Schlehofer
            to send a brigade of 5,000 Jewish volunteers from Palestine to Europe
            to fight the German army. But when the war ends and the soldiers wit

                                                                                                                 Duane Smith

                                                                                                             1+(916) 871-5587

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