Page 19 - 2024-12
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On November 11 Veterans’ Day, the exact location for officer response. Vehicles with outstanding war-
Roseville Police Chief Troy Berg- rants, entering or exiting our city or reported as stolen, triggers an alert.
strom, addressed a crowd of 70 resi- Other agencies have reached out to Roseville if they know a suspect is
dents on how his team of dedicated heading our way. Suspects are mostly from the Sacramento, Oakland or
professionals is “Keeping Roseville Reno areas and like easy access to freeways.
Safe.” His presentation, peppered
with videos of past arrests, kept the Case in Point
audience fixated. The “needle in the On April 6, 2024, the Alameda County Sheriff’s Department notified
haystack” concept of catching the Roseville that a vehicle has entered into our FLOCK system. On April
bad guys becomes “1 needle no haystack” when it comes to using the 9 , a camera was triggered at the intersection of Douglas by the Raley’s
Real Time Crime Center (RTCC) technology because of its real-time ac- supermarket. Within minutes, the Alameda County Sheriff’s Department
curacy. FLOCK (referred to as the network of camera readers through- was notified and together with RPD a dozen officers surrounded the ve-
out the city) are installed at major intersections & near retail shopping hicle for outstanding warrants and the suspect eventually jailed.
centers to respond to and investigate crimes. According to Bergstrom,
“Together with our officers, RTCC responds to almost 400 calls for ser- Faster Retail Crime Arrests with RTCC
vice a year making it safer for the officers, and is a more effective use of During the Christmas holidays, Roseville PD teams up with retailers to
our staff.” combat retail theft with “Operation Grinch.” Last Christmas, the Stanley
Cup Water Bottle Craze was all the rage and nowhere to be found except
“One needle no haystack” vs. a needle in a haystack at Dicks’ Sporting Goods on Fairway. The thieves cleared out the
The New York Police Department was the first in the nation to use shelves and headed for the freeway. It was reported to police. Within
RTCC technology with Roseville PD shortly thereafter. During the past minutes, RTCC notified officers of its exact location. The vehicles were
two years, Bergstrom noted that approximately “15-20 agencies have identified which led to an investigation and arrest. Bergstrom said, his
looked into Roseville’s model for consideration in their locals.” department was “on the news and was even covered internationally.”
The Eyes of FLOCK The 2025 Speaker Series will start again on Wednesday, February 12 at
The FLOCK network of 50 cameras is used every day and monitored by 6:30 PM. A City official will address the development happening in
Day and Relief shift Community Service Officers (CSO). Once a our area. Be sure to attend.
camera is tripped, the location is identified. The CSO is able to pin-point Recap By: Mia Winter, Host
Help Brighten a Child’s Holiday:
Your Generosity Can Make a Difference!
As the holiday season approaches, we are reminded of the joy and warmth that comes with giving. However, for many students in
our adopted school, Woodbridge Elementary, the holidays may be marked not by excitement and cheer, but by hardship and uncer-
tainty. That’s why we’re reaching out to you, our neighbors, to help bring a little light into the lives of some children who deserve to
experience the magic of the season.
We have been asked by the school to provide 27 gifts to those who may otherwise go without. These students are from the most
financially strapped families that are either homeless or have multiple families living in an an apartment. The school will provide a
list, without names, that will include age, gender and 3 possible gifts from their wish list. If you would like to help, please contact
Jill Egbert and she will get you the kiddos information. Then have fun shopping for one of their gifts (no more than $25 in value),
and drop it off unwrapped at Jill’s mailbox or contact us for pickup. We will wrap and deliver the gifts to the school before Dec 16th
to be included in their Giving Tree program.
Jill Egbert 916-612-5421 ~
Thank you for sharing the spirit of the season Caroline Crawford 916-474-4378 ~
with those who need it most. Jane Cory 408-623-9746 ~
BJ Kelly 314-518-6466 ~
December 2024 Page 19