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Speaker Series - Human Trafficking Summary
By Mia Winter, Host
In January 2020, the Sacramento Police Department formed their own Human Traf-
ficking Unit focusing on child exploitation. After 7 years in human trafficking (HT)
investigations, Detective Jason Collins, a seasoned 26-year veteran (48) was instru-
mental in making that happen. Detective Collins is a member of the FBI Task Force
on Human Trafficking and is on the regional task force to help mitigate human traf-
ficking-child exploitation in the Sacramento Valley and across California.
Goal and Mission of the Human Trafficking (HT) Unit, SAC PD
RECOVER JUVENILES who are being sexually exploited through prostitution
and to BUILD CASES to prosecute those responsible. Sex trafficking of juveniles is
defined as causing, inducing, persuading or attempting to cause, induce or per-
suade a minor to engage in a commercial sex act.
Principle of Supply & Demand
This under-reported transitory crime involves victims of a young age through adult.
The average age of females being introduced to a life of commercial sex is 14 years
old. In 2015-2020, one study in Sacramento County estimates that over 13,000 sex
trafficking victims were identified and reported by law enforcement or service provid- Detective Jason Collins, SAC PD Human Trafficking
ers. According to Detective Collins, “Only 1 out of the 11 victims were ever identi- Unit; FBI Task Force on HT with 50 Club residents.
fied or contacted by service providers. The others were never identified.”
Where does it occur? There’s a hub between Sacramento - Oakland – San Jose- Reno – Las Vegas and major cities across California. In South
Sacramento the street level pickup spots are on Stockton & Florin Road for buyers of commercial sex. Buyers may include: lawyers, doctors, con-
struction workers and everyday Johns. As long as there is a demand for commercial sex, the supply is available. Why? Exploiters believe that mi-
nor girls and young adults with the characteristics listed below are a renewable resource.
How are the girls recruited? According to Detective Collins, these children are not kidnapped off the streets or at malls. Recruitment
through the Internet; social media and online ads, are prime hunting grounds. It includes prostitution related websites; foster care/group homes,
transportation hubs, malls, through friends, on streets, and social media.
The “Exploiter, Pimp, Trafficker” recruits using manipulation, power and control. They identify victim vulnerabilities such as: prior sexual
abuse, foster care, runaways, low self-esteem, a need for love and affection, and they come from broken homes or dysfunctional families. Why does
the victim need to be computer literate? To generate demand and
make money for the Exploiter. More than 31,000 escort ads from 8,624
profiles (young girls) in Sacramento alone were posted by young victims
from March 1 to March 31, 2023, (Source: Sacramento PD).
SAC PD’s Investigative Approach: Prosecution – stricter sentencing --
and the court program. (Refer to Goal and Mission). The SAC PD Hu-
man Trafficking Unit is working to help rehabilitate sex workers for a
better path in life using a Victim-Centered Approach vs. jail time first.
The average life expectancy after becoming a child prostitute is 7 years,”
said Detective Collins. But by partnering with non-profits like the
“Community Against Sexual Harm (C.A.S.H.), Detective Collins and
his unit are working to increase public awareness, help to combat human
trafficking and exploitation of minors by treating, educating and remov-
ing children and young adults from threatening situations to better serve
the community.
April 2024 Page 27