Page 6 - 2023-11
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Association Events
Managing Holiday Eating ~ Presentation with Iselin Mastering Holiday Harmony: A Stress-Free Way
Monday, November 13 at 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. of Navigating the Festive Season
The holiday season can be a joyful time filled with Monday, December 11 at 9:30 - 10:45 a.m.
celebrations, gatherings, and delicious foods. However, it can Feeling overwhelmed during the holidays? Don’t let
also bring about increased stress and emotional challenges that holiday stress steal your joy and relaxation. Between
often lead to overindulgence and unhealthy eating habits. In shopping for gifts, planning gatherings, and managing a bustling
this seminar, we will delve into practical strategies to help you navigate schedule, it’s easy to get caught up in the chaos. But fear not! This
the holiday season with mindfulness, resilience, and healthier eating holiday season, give yourself the gift of tranquility.
habits. Join me in making this holiday season one to remember for all the right
Join me for an empowering seminar that will equip you with valuable reasons. Together, we’ll unwrap the secrets to a truly joyful and stress-
strategies to overcome holiday overeating or eating foods that keep you free holiday experience.
from feeling alive and healthy. Iselin Annonio, MPH, Certified Health Coach, Master Lifestyle Expert
Iselin Annonio, MPH, Certified Health Coach, Master Lifestyle Expert RSVP at The Retreat $10.00 / per person
RSVP at The Retreat $10.00 / per person
Pancake Breakfast - FREE
Al Skinner ~ Magic and Comedy Show Friday, December 8th at 8:00 a.m.
Sunday, November 19th Retreat staff will be cooking for you! Pancakes, sausage,
Show 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. fruit, orange juice, and mimosas will be served.
A featured performer on Carnival Cruise Lines, master RSVP in advance at The Retreat
magician Al Skinner is one of the funniest performers in Many thanks to our event sponsor: Bella Vista Landscape
magic today. An award-winning magician — three times
awarded “Stand-Up Magician of the Year” — he’s also one of the busiest Antelope Marching Band
entertainers in show business, performing at banquets, dinner shows, Friday, December 8th at 7:00 p.m.
conferences, meetings, and more. You don’t want to miss it! We welcome over 100 Antelope High School band members to our
RSVP at The Retreat $20.00 / per person neighborhood for a musical holiday parade.
The Parade will begin and end at The Retreat parking lot. A map of the
parade route is on page 7. There are also maps available at The Retreat.
Trivia Cocoa and Cookies will be available on Kennerleigh at The Retreat
Tuesday, November 21st at 6:30 p.m. entrance. Donations for the band are greatly appreciated and a collection
Players will be assigned to groups of 6. You may bucket will follow the group.
register with a group of friends or sign up as a single and we will put
you with a group. Various categories will be covered, points given for
correct answers and the group with the most points will be the winners.
RSVP in advance at The Retreat
**Bring to the event $2.00 CASH per player for prizes**
It’s a Wonderful Life ~ End of the Year Bash
Friday, December 1st at 6:00 p.m.
Catered Meal of Stuffed Chicken Breast, Penne
Pasta, Mixed Greens, Asparagus, rolls and dessert.
DJ Dancing after dinner.
Assigned seating will be in effect for this event.
$30.00 / per person
Craft Fair
Saturday, December 2nd
from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Bring your friends and family down to the Annual Craft Fair! The entire
Retreat will be filled with vendors offering a wide variety of items
available for sale. Come in and find the perfect gift for the holiday
season or a treasure to keep of your own.
Helping Hands will be selling hot dogs and goodies to fuel your
shopping spree.
FREE to attend
November 2023 Page 6