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ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER                             and approved by the ARC Committee. Non-submittal of the NOC can
                                                                                 lead to courtesy notices and eventually a call to hearing before the
                            Christina Gee
                                                                                 Board. Should the NOC not be received after the call to hearing, a fine
                                                                                 could be imposed. It is a simple step and part of the application process.
                           As most of you know, I am the main contact for        Please be sure to finish the final step. If assistance is needed in
                           architectural modifications and landscape concerns.    obtaining a color photo of the finished modification, let me know and I
                           Although it has been mentioned in the past, I feel the   will gladly stop by to take the photo for you.
                           need to reiterate the importance of the process for
          requesting an architectural modification or a landscape assessment.    2. Landscape Concerns
                                                                                        a. BellaVista is our current landscape company, and they have
          1. ARC Applications                                                    been onsite for just over one year. It was stated when they came
                  a. If you are unsure if an application is required, please ASK.   onboard that it would take up to 18 months for them to learn the ins and
          More than likely it is going to be required.  Performing a modification   outs of the community as well as the growth patterns and ongoing
          that would normally require an ARC Application approval could result  issues with past trouble spots. All in all, they have managed to get a
          in being required to return the modification back to its original design   handle on many issues that were overlooked by past vendors.
          at your cost.                                                                 b. When assistance is required for a landscape concern, please
                  b. Even if you plan to make any changes to your backyard, an   call (916-771-7801) or email Laura (
          architectural application is required. The reason for this is to verify that  or myself ( for assistance. Trying to
          the existing drainage system is not being altered as well as plants, trees,  stop one of the crew members onsite is not going to resolve the issue.
          etc., are within the guidelines for backyards. There are many to choose  In fact, it may upset you even more. The onsite crews have been
          from that can be found in the ARC Rules as well as a separate list of   advised NOT to stop what they are doing to assist a member who stops
          drought tolerant plants both of which are on the TCWP website.         them for a landscape concern. BellaVista has different crews onsite and
                  c. Remember, painting is still required every 10 years, and    one crew member may not be the one who would provide the service
          many homes are on target for painting. If you are deciding to repaint   you request. Even if you see someone pruning and you feel they missed
          the home the same color, an ARC Application as well as a printout      your home, do not ask them to come back to your location. Please
          from Pulte Homes ( is required. Just an          notify Laura or me to have this addressed.
          application with the colors written is an incomplete application and will     c. Again, please be reminded that BellaVista Landscape
          not be accepted.                                                       Company is not a private landscaper for members. They have 704
                  Changing the color of the home requires the same documents to  homes, a clubhouse, and common area streetscapes to landscape in
          also include the new color/scheme choice and a color photo of your     three (3) days. They will miss things here and there.  If you see
          home, the home directly to the left, right and across the street.      something that has been missed, please let me or Laura know, and it
                  d. Final step is the Notice of Completion. No application is   will be addressed. It may not be immediate, unless it is urgent, but it
          complete and closed until the Notice of Completion has been received   will be addressed. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out.

                        FROM YOUR LIFESTYLE DIRECTOR
                       Shannon Van Every
              or 916-771-7801

           Share your Connection
           Have you met another homeowner and realized you knew them from Elementary school?
           Or have friends that moved here because you recommended it?  Share your story in The
           Courier.  I look forward to hearing from you.

             UPCOMING EVENTS                    DATE                 TIME         UPCOMING EVENTS                   DATE                 TIME
              Drawing Class - October           Wednesdays             3:00pm      Movie Night                      Thur., Sept. 26th       6:30pm
              Craft Fair Signups - Non Residents  Tue., Sep. 3rd       8:30am      AARP Driver Safety Course        Mon., Sept. 30th        9:30am
              Dog Days of Summer - Puppucino    Tue., Sep. 3rd         9:00am      Glass Pendant Workshop           Tue., Oct. 1st          1:00pm
              Safeway Shot Clinic               Fri., Sept. 6th       10:00am      OPEN HOUSE                       Fri., Oct. 4th          4:00pm
              Monthly Dementia Caregiver Support  Mon., Sept. 9th      9:00am      Poetry Workshop                  Mon., Oct. 7th         10:30am
              Knife Sharpening                  Tue., Sept. 10th       9:00am      Shredding Day                    Tues., Oct. 8th        10:00am
              Dueling Pianos                    Sun., Sept. 15th       6:30pm      Glass Pendant Workshop           Sun., Oct. 13th         2:30pm
              Massage                           Mon, Sept. 16th       12:00pm      Colwell Thundering Herd Ranch    Fri., Oct. 18th        11:30am
              Trivia                            Tues., Sept. 17th      6:30pm      Apple Hill Bus Trip              Wed., Oct. 23rd         9:15am
              ARC Committee Meeting             Tues., Sept. 24th      8:30am      Craft Fair                       Sat., Oct. 26th        10:00am
              Potluck                           Tues., Sept. 24th      5:30pm      Sound Healing                    Mon., Oct. 28th         2:30pm
              Board of Directors Meeting        Wed., Sept. 25th       3:00pm      Bingo                            Mon., Oct. 28th         6:30pm
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