Page 14 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 14
2.2 Pledges
Pledges are intended to provide clarification and specificity to ensure compliance with all
federal, state, local, and MMI laws, rules, regulations and policies. Each cadet will be held
responsible and must ensure they fully understand and comply.
Standards of Conduct Pledge
I pledge to uphold the highest traditions and standards of Marion Military Institute. I respect the
foundation laid by the cadets who came before me, I appreciate the opportunity to attend a
college of such tradition and rich history, and I acknowledge the high expectations of me.
Likewise, I understand that any breach of MMI rules and regulations can lead up to and include
dismissal or expulsion.
Anti-Drug Pledge
I shall not at any time consume, bring, or cause to be brought on campus or have in my
possession or in my room, alcoholic beverages, unauthorized controlled substance, or any
dangerous or illegal drugs.
Computer Use Pledge
I shall not use MMI’s equipment including computers, connectivity, servers, routers, and such to
engage in the use of vile, crude, or vulgar language and/or lewd photographs, drawings, or
videos. Likewise, lewd, crude, or vulgar criticism of other cadets, faculty, staff, and
administration will be considered “Conduct Unbecoming of a Cadet.” I also pledge not to post
anything involving or picturing actual or suggested use of alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs,
firearms of any kind, or violence to others or myself.
2.3 Cadet Responsibilities
Each cadet has five responsibilities under the Honor System to include:
a. A thorough knowledge of the MMI Honor System;
b. being dedicated to living a life of honorable service;
c. conducting oneself in such a manner that his/her own honor is above reproach
including reporting oneself of any Honor Code violation;
d. assuming a portion of the responsibility for the conduct of fellow cadets
through a willingness to confront others observed to be lying, cheating, or
stealing; and
e. reporting violations of the Code.
Cadets are expected to live by the Code they sign at the beginning of the academic year, which