Page 17 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 17

                                                  DAILY OPERATIONS

               The daily schedule for the MMI Corps of Cadets is depicted below.

               3.1  Daily Schedule

                  Time      Monday       Tuesday      Wednesday      Thursday      Friday         Sat/Sun
               0530-0645   PT (MS)     PT (MS)                     PT (MS)      PT (MS)       Cadets will
               0545-0700               PT (SAP/LEP)  PT (SAP)                   PT (SAP)      be required
               0700-0800                       Personal Hygiene and Breakfast                 to participate
               0800-0855   Period #1                 Period #1                  Period #1     in Corps-related
               0800-0925               Period #1                   Period #1                  functions and
               0900-0955   Period #2                 Period #2                  Period #2     special events
               0930-1055               Period #2                   Period #2                  as directed by
               1000-1055   Period #3                 Period #3                  Period #3     the
               1100-1155   Period #4                 Period #4                  Period #4     Commandant
               1100-1225               Period #3                   Period #3                  of Cadets
               1145-1305               Lunch                       Lunch
               1200-1215   LRC                       LRC                        LRC
               1215-1315   Lunch                     Lunch                      Lunch
               1310-1320               LRC                         LRC
               1315-1445   Drill and                 Commandant’s               Commandant’s
                           Ceremony                  Time                       Time
               1325-1450               Period #4                   Period #4
               1500-1700                             SAT Prep
                                                     (Fall Only)
               1500-1730       Varsity Athletics, Intramural Sports, Club Meetings, and Organizational
               1500-1730               MS Lab
               1500-1800               SAT Prep
                                       (Fall Only)
               1800-1900                                        Dinner
               1830-UTC    Evening Classes – Cadets must check with instructors for exact     Recall
                                           class time and locations.                          Formation -
               1915-1930                          DRC
               1930-2130                          PMCQ                                        PMCQ -
               2130-2145         Cadet Formation and Accountability (Barracks)
               2200                                                                  Cadet Formation and
                                                                                   Accountability (Barracks)
               2200                         Lights Out and Taps                               Lights Out and
                                                                                              Taps - Sunday
               2359                                                             Lights Out and  Lights Out and
                                                                                Taps          Taps - Saturday

               MS = Military Science (Army ROTC)                  SAP = Service Academy Program
               LEP = Leadership Education Program                 PMCQ = Evening Call to Quarters
               LRC = Lunch Roll Call                              PT = Physical Training
               DRC = Dinner Roll Call

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