Page 22 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 22
4.1 Cadet Structure
The Corps of Cadets is organized into a battalion consisting of the Headquarters staff and six
companies including Band, A, B, C, D, and E. Each company has a captain commanding, a first
lieutenant executive officer, two second lieutenant platoon leaders, a first sergeant, and two
sergeants first class platoon sergeants. Each platoon has three to four squads led by staff
sergeants. Each squad leader may have a team leader serving with the rank of corporal or
sergeant depending on TAC Officer approval.
4.2 Battalion Command
Battalion Commander (BC) (Lieutenant Colonel). The Battalion Commander reports to the
Senior TAC Officer and/or the Commandant of Cadets for command and control of headquarters
and five companies of cadets, as applicable. He/She counsels the Battalion Executive Officer,
Company Commanders, Chaplain, and Command Sergeant Major and directs and oversees
battalion operations utilizing cadet regulations, policies, and other directives set forth in this
manual. He/She is the senior officer of the battalion and, in cooperation with the Commandant of
Cadets and Senior TAC Officer, is responsible for the readiness, morale, and performance of the
Corps of Cadets.
Battalion Executive Officer (XO) (Major). The Battalion XO serves as second in command of
the battalion and is the principal assistant to the BC. He/She directs, coordinates, and supervises
the activities of the staff sections; oversees the operation of each primary staff function; and
ensures proper coordination between command and staff personnel.
Battalion Sergeant Major (BSM) (Command Sergeant Major). The Battalion Sergeant Major
serves as the senior NCO of the battalion and is the personal advisor to the BC. He/She carries out
policies and standards for the performance, training and appearance, and conduct of enlisted
personnel. The BSM is responsible to the BC for accountability of all personnel within the Corps
of Cadets. The BSM keeps the BC informed on the status of policy violations and Corps morale,
and is directly responsible for battalion drill proficiency. The BSM advises and initiates
recommendations to the BC and staff in matters pertaining to the non-commissioned officer (NCO)
support channel.
4.3 Battalion Staff
Battalion Chaplain (First Lieutenant). The Cadet Chaplain coordinates events to improve
morale of the Corps of Cadets and is responsible for its moral and ethical development through
example and counsel. The Chaplain is also part of a community awareness and involvement
program; leads small study groups for religious purposes; and regardless of faith, provides
religious accommodation for all beliefs in suitable and feasible areas, by suitable and feasible