Page 26 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 26

4.6  Guard Detail

               Battalion Duty Officer (BDO).  The BDO is the senior cadet on weekend duty or special times
               determined by the Commandant of Cadets.  This Cadet reports to the Weekend Duty Formation
               (WDF) normally held  on Thursday at 1745.   The BDO is responsible for overseeing the
               compliance with all campus rules over his/her assigned period of duty and works directly with
               the Officer in Charge (OC) to ensure good order and military bearing are maintained.  The BDO
               is responsible for the  entire weekend  guard  detail as well as  restricted and penalty hour
               formations.  The BDO is free to roam the campus, but the OC must be able to contact the BDO at
               a moment’s notice.  The BDO also coordinates the Company Duty Officers (CDOs) and ensures
               they perform all of their duties.  The BDO also performs other duties as assigned by the OC.
               Rank: c/2LT-c/MAJ (exempting the Battalion XO).

               Company Duty Officer (CDO).  The CDO is the cadet responsible to assist the BDO at the
               company level.  Specifically, the CDO must attend and ensure all Weekend Duty personnel
               attend the WDF.  The CDO will ensure restricted cadets report five minutes early to restricted
               formations in the proper uniform.  The CDO also ensures all penalty hours are marched properly.
               The CDO is also responsible for ensuring  good  order and  cleanliness  in the dining hall and
               barracks, and that reasonable noise levels are maintained by forbidding inappropriate behavior at
               all times.  CDOs will perform additional duties as assigned by the OC and must be reachable at
               all times.  CDOs will inspect the rooms of the cadets on campus to ensure daily standards are
               maintained.  Rank: c/SGT-c/1LT from the respective companies (exempting HQ personnel).

               Cadet Guard Duty Personnel.   Cadets work  directly with the OC and S-2 to ensure all
               activities within the Guard House operate efficiently, all rules and SOPs are followed, the Guard
               House is kept clean at all times, bugle calls are played in accordance with the posted schedule,
               and for running errands as directed by the OC.  Rank: c/PVT-c/1LT.

               Alternate Guard Duty.  Each duty position will be assigned a primary and alternate cadet.  The
               alternate cadet must remain reachable and on campus during the assigned period of duty in the
               event the primary  cadet is unable to fulfill his/her  responsibilities.  Alternates will not be
               assigned for BDO or CDO.

               Instructions for guard duty can be found in the Guard House SOP Handbook in the Guard House.
               In general, failure to properly perform guard duty is a very serious offense and will result in the
               proper disciplinary actions being taken.  Guard Duty takes precedence over all activities except
               classes, athletic obligations, and medical leaves.  Each cadet is expected to coordinate his/her
               own arrangements in the event of a conflict.  In the event a cadet is unable to fulfill his/her guard
               duty responsibilities, a Change of Guard Detail Request form must be completed and submitted
               to the Commandant of Cadets’ Office.

               Uniform for  Guard  Duty.  The  uniform for  guard duty is the uniform of the day including
               tactical uniforms such as ACUs on those prescribed days.   Cadets on  guard duty must have
               immaculate military  appearance,  exceptional military bearing, remain in  duty  uniform at all
               times while in the Guard House, and must not allow any loitering in the area.  Each guard detail
               will be expected to clean the Guard House.  Cellular telephones, DVD players, iPods, radios, and

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