Page 45 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 45
The Raincoat (Cape style) will be carried when there is a threat of rain for all uniforms except
ACUs or equivalent. When it is raining the raincoat will be worn. The Battalion Commander is
responsible for the decision for the Corps to carry raincoats.
6.4 Headgear
a. Service Cap. The service cap is the proper headgear for all parades and formal
occasions requiring the wear of the Class A uniform - unless modified by the
Commandant of Cadets. On days of increment weather the service cap will be
required and the black liner put on when the Corps is carrying raincoats. It may be
worn with the Class B or Class C uniform as prescribed by the Commandant of
Cadets. Officers wear a gold colored band, NCOs (E-5 and above) wear a silver
colored band, and all others wear a black band.
b. Garrison Cap. Authorized for wear with the Class B, C, and C optional uniforms.
The junior enlisted cover has no piping on it and is solid black. The cadet NCO and
cadet officer covers have white or gold piping, respectively. This cover may be worn
with the Class A uniform only when directed by the Commandant of Cadets.
c. Beret. Authorized for wear during organizational events for Honor Guard, Swamp
Fox, White Knights, and Scabbard and Blade members. The beret will be worn
squarely on the forehead with the organizational insignia (patch) centered above the
left eye. Scabbard and Blade members will wear their cadet rank centered on the
beret flash. Berets are authorized to be worn with the Class C and ACUs only.
Exceptions to this policy may be granted to the White Knights precision drill team
and the tuba players in the band.
d. Campaign Cover. Worn only by company First Sergeants and the BSM. This cover
may be worn with the Class A, B, C, and C optional uniforms. The campaign cover
may be worn for parades with the Commandant of Cadets’ authorization.
e. Patrol Cap. The patrol cap is worn with the ACU. It will be worn two inches above
the bridge of the nose and parallel with the ground.
6.5 Devices
Insignia of Grade (Rank) – Cadet rank devices include:
a. Officer
i. Cadet Lieutenant Colonel – Two diamonds
ii. Cadet Major – One diamond
iii. Cadet Captain – Three discs
iv. Cadet First Lieutenant – Two discs
v. Cadet Second Lieutenant – One disc