Page 49 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 49

6.6 Civilian Clothes

               Civilian clothes are sometimes referred to as Appropriate Civilian Attire (ACA).  Cadets may
               wear  civilian clothing while off-campus on leave and for passes outside the town of Marion.
               Cadets may retain civilian clothing in their individual hanging space.  Amounts are limited to
               those contained in a two-suit hanging bag (approximately four inches thick).   Cadets on
               liberty/pass in the town of Marion will be in uniform.

               When signing out in civilian clothes, cadets will wear appropriate attire.  When returning from
               leave cadets will arrive on campus in proper attire.  Male cadets are to be clean-shaven and have
               proper haircuts when signing in and out.  Cadets wearing civilian clothing may only go from the
               barracks to the Guard House (or return) and must be changed into a proper uniform within fifteen
               minutes of returning to campus.

               Authorized civilian attire for males  consists of  a dress or polo shirt (no  tee-shirts), slacks or
               shorts (not cutoffs), blue jeans, and khaki pants.  Jackets and pullovers are allowed, but are not to
               be worn in lieu of polo shirt.  Any outer garment should not display wording and/or graphics
               prejudicial to the good order and discipline of the Corps.  If a cadet purchases designer clothing
               that is considered not in keeping with MMI dress standards, the cadet will not be permitted to
               wear the clothing when departing or returning to campus.  Females must wear similar apparel.
               The acceptable hem line for all shorts, skirts, and dresses requires that when the arms are
               extended downward, the hemline will be no higher than the ends of the extended fingertips
               pressed against the side of the torso.  Leather sandals and open toe shoes are acceptable.  Shower
               shoes/flip flops/slides are not permitted for wear by either males or females outside the barracks.

               Athletic suits or jogging suits are not acceptable for wear off campus except when traveling as
               part of an MMI athletic team and the suit is considered the official school uniform for the event.

               All clothes should be clean and wrinkle free.  There can be no holes or frayed items.  Pants
               should be pulled up on the hips.  Shirts will be tucked into the pants as appropriate.  Nails should
               be trimmed and clean.  Females may paint their nails, but nail color must be complimentary to
               the skin tone (i.e., approximately the same color as the skin or clear).

               The Commandant of Cadets reserves the right to refuse any  cadet from officially departing
               campus if it is deemed the cadet is not adhering to both the letter and intent of the MMI dress
               code.  Cadets departing campus not in compliance with policies outlined above will be held
               accountable through appropriate disciplinary action(s) upon returning to campus.

               6.7  Miscellaneous

               Shirt Stays.  Shirt stays will be used with Class A, B, and C (standard and midnight) uniforms.
               Shirt stays are used to keep a sharp, professional appearance to the uniform shirt.

               Bandoliers.  Worn with the Class A jacket for all parades unless otherwise directed by the
               Commandant of Cadets.  Bandoliers cross in the back, as well as the front coupled with the brass
               breastplate centered between the two breast pockets.  For events other than parades (where the

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