Page 51 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 51

                                BARRACKS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES

               7.1  General

               To be eligible for occupancy in a barracks, a cadet must be enrolled as a full-time student at
               MMI.  Cadets who withdraw from MMI, who are dismissed from MMI, or who drop below full-
               time status must vacate their rooms within 24  hours.  Exceptions to these policies must be
               submitted to the Commandant of Cadets in writing.  Rooms are assigned by the Commandant of
               Cadets’ Office and subsequent room changes will not be made without authority from such and
               documented on a Room Change Request Form.

               Lights are to remain on in common areas such as hallways and dayrooms at all times.

               7.2  Barracks Guests

               Prospective students and friends of current cadets are encouraged to visit campus.  A guest must
               be escorted by a resident who has responsibility for the conduct of the guest at all times.  Guests
               are not allowed to stay overnight on campus.

               Barracks guests include:

                              a.  Cadets.  Cadets are students who are currently enrolled full-time at MMI.
                              b.  Non-Cadets.  Non-cadets are individuals who are not currently enrolled as full-
                                 time students at MMI and includes Judson College students.  These visitors are
                                 required to sign in at the Guard House upon arriving on campus regardless of
                                 gender and must sign out upon departure.

               Visitation.  Cadets of the same gender can visit each other’s rooms when invited and escorted.
               However, there are prohibitions on visitation by cadets of the opposite  gender.   Specifically,
               opposite-gender cadets can only visit a cadet’s room and/or dayroom when invited and escorted
               during the following times:

                                 Day                          Visitation Times               Notes
               Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday  1000-1430 & 1830-2130  AMCQ and PMCQ rules
               Friday                                     1000-1430 & 1830-Taps
               Saturday                                   1000-Taps
               Sunday and Holidays                        1000-2130                 PMCQ rules apply

               Requirements.  Cadets must leave room doors open at all times when cadets of the opposite
               gender are present.  Guests are not allowed to use restrooms designated for the opposite gender
               even with a “guard” posted.  At no time can opposite-gender visitors be left unattended.

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