P. 22
Overview 5.0 The SuDS Design & Evaluation
Integrating SuDS into development is a planning-led activity. Planning
permission is required for all new development and re-development, and usually
for SuDS retrofit.
5.1 The role of planning in 5.2 Design and evaluation in
SuDS parallel
The Ministerial Statement of December 2014 This guide considers the design and
gave responsibility for evaluating SuDS within evaluation of SuDS as complementary. It
planning applications to Local Planning follows the process of design from the
Authorities (LPAs). earliest consideration of potential
development through to Detail Design. It
SuDS designs should conform to DEFRA’s should involve both the developer and
Non-Statutory Technical Standards (NSTS)
designer together with the planner, LLFA and
for sustainable drainage systems and Local all other parties with an interest in delivering
Authority requirements. integrated SuDS design.
17 The LPA considers that SuDS is appropriate
The separate design stages and requirements
and reasonably practicable in most for evaluation are set out in the guide for
both small and large developments, with
The evaluation process is led by the LPA. The advice on how these design criteria can be
LPA will consult with statutory consultees met by SuDS designers, and checked by the
including the Lead Local Flood Authority evaluation team.
(LLFA), and other professionals within
disciplines complementary to SuDS design.
Consultation with the LPA evaluation team National Planning Policy Framework
during the design process will help
developers and SuDS designers deliver file/6077/2116950.pdf
successful and cost-effective SuDS projects.
Non-statutory technical standards
London Borough of Merton SuDS D & E Guide © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates