P. 25

5.5  SuDS design is evaluated at each subsequent design stage

      All aspects of SuDS design should be                   The basic requirements of amenity and
      evaluated at each design stage.                        biodiversity must be demonstrated at each             Overview
                                                             design stage.
      The management of flows and volumes and
      the location of attenuation storage should be          Health and safety must be considered at
      indicated to an appropriate level at the               each design stage, with confirmation that this
      Concept, Outline and final Detail Design               has been achieved through the ‘safety by
      stages.                                                design’ principle (see section 8.5).

      Similarly, the design will demonstrate the use         In the same way, effective, safe and cost-
      of appropriate source control measures,                effective maintenance of the SuDS scheme

      conveyance and other SuDS components and               will be ensured through careful design at
      how these are arranged in a management                 every stage.
      train with discreet sub-catchments.

                                                   Design Note:
         As SuDS components don’t manage water most of the time, avoid colouring them blue on
            plan. Blue is best used for denoting permanent water bodies, like ponds and wetlands.                  20

      The ‘swale maze’ at Redhill School is usable as a
      play and education space when it’s not raining
      and even in small rainfall events.

      London Borough of Merton SuDS D & E Guide                                                       © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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