Page 111 - Enfield SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 111

9.7.5 Water quality design checklist

                                                                     Information presented for
       Item              What is being checked
                                                                     assessment                                    Detailed Design
       Method of         Sensitivity of receptor and level of        Design statement to specify method of
       discharge         treatment required                          discharge and sensitivity of receptor.

       Treatment         Sufficient treatment in place protecting    Layout drawing clearly indicating SuDS
                         site biodiversity and amenity assets and    components and management train.
                         the wider environment.                      Details of Indices approach and
                         Evidence of source control, subcatchments  infiltration screening assessment (as
                         and management train.                       appropriate).
       Infiltration      Presence of SPZ’s, contaminated land,       Coordinated constraints plan. Evidence
                         depth to seasonal high groundwater table.  of discussion with EA where appropriate

       Construction      Demonstration of how site runoff could be  Section of the drainage design
       phase             managed during construction to minimise     statement outlining a potential approach
                         the risk of pollution to the wider          for construction runoff management.
                         environment due to silty construction       Contractors will be responsible for
                         runoff.                                     uptake.
       Operation and  Operation and maintenance should be            Concise operation and maintenance
       maintenance       simple to understand and easy to            plan. Description of tasks and detailing
       plan              implement. Where available, SuDS design     of where personnel are required to visit
                         should deploy natural treatment process     site to remove hydrocarbon based              106
                         to breakdown organic pollutants passively.  pollutants (i.e. organic pollutants have
                         Contingency measures in the event of a      not been fully broken down passively as
                         minor / major spillage                      part of SuDS treatment process).
                                                                     Plan indicating potential for containment
                                                                     and positioning of spill kits (as

      Enfield Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                            © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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