Page 113 - Enfield SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 113

9.8.2 Accessibility

      All parts of the SuDS landscape should be
      accessible to both everyday users and site


      Full accessibility requires safety by design for                                                             Detailed Design
      every element of design including:

         ■  open water

         ■  changes of level

         ■  design detailing eg. headwalls, inlets and

         ■  clear visibility of the system

         ■  physical accessibility to all with an

          understanding of the limitations of level
                                                               Hopwood Park MSA M42. Wooden terrace and
          changes and open water.                             balastrade with wet bench and planted aquatic
                                                                             bench protection to open water.

      9.8.3 Multifunctionality
      Many parts of the SuDS landscape can be                Other functionality can include:
      useful in ways not associated with managing               ■  play opportunity throughout the SuDS
      Permeable pavement is an example of full                  ■  informal leisure like jogging, picnics,
      multi-functionality in that the surface is
                                                                dog-walking etc
      always available for managing rainfall and
      also allows vehicle access, parking and                   ■  community activities such as gardening
      pedestrian use.                                           etc

      Reasonably level green space can be used for              ■  wildlife habitat
      sports and other social activity most of the              ■  education.
      time but not when inundated. Everyday
      rainfall (1-2 year return period events) can be        Usability of swales and basins can be
      designed to be managed elsewhere in the                enhanced by under-draining into filter
      landscape.                                             trenches below the ground to keep grass

                                                             surfaces dry most of the time. For instance,
                                                             within housing where grass surfaces are
                                                             valuable for play.

      Enfield Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                            © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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