Page 131 - Enfield SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 131


      The raingarden concept was pioneered in                Key aspects of raingarden design include:
      Prince George’s County, Maryland, USA in               1.  gentle side slopes with water collected at
      1990 when small stormwater basins were                    the surface
      proposed for individual houses to replace              2.  a free-draining soil, sometimes with an           Detailed Design
      larger regional stormwater ponds.                         underdrain to avoid permanent wetness

      Raingardens are designed to collect and                3.  a minimum of 450mm improved topsoil
      manage reasonably clean water from roofs                  with up to 20% course compost
      and low risk drives and pathways, has been             4.  garden plants that can tolerate occasional
      used where community or private care is                   submersion and wet soil – this includes
      available to maintain these potentially                   most garden plants other than those
                                                                particularly adapted to dry conditions
      attractive site features.
                                                             5.  an overflow in case of heavy rain or
                                                                impeded drainage.


                         1                         3                                      5

      Enfield Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                            © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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