Page 63 - Enfield SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 63

8.2  Objectives of SuDS                               more certainty how the SuDS will be
                                                                 successfully integrated into the wider
           Outline Design                                        development prior to investment in full

           SuDS Outline Design builds on the ideas               detailed design.
           introduced in Concept Design taking into              An Outline Design may be submitted as part        Outline Design
           account comments at pre-application stage             of an outline planning application to confirm
           and additional information gathered as part           the SuDS scheme is likely to be approved by
           of the Outline Design process to confirm with         the LPA and LLFA.

           8.3  What Outline Design should demonstrate

           The SuDS Outline Design will confirm key               Outline Design will confirm how the SuDS will
           aspects of the SuDS design introduced at               function, the scale, depth, relative levels,
           Concept Design stage, with any subsequent              appearance and character of the SuDS as
           revisions to layout and additional information         well as the practicality of the design by
           gathered as part of the Outline Design                 demonstrating the following:

              ■  appropriate response to site conditions,       ■  how runoff is collected, the use of source

               constraints and opportunities relating to        control and the integration of
               SuDS                                             management train into site layout
              ■  the layout reflects the Modified Flow          ■  the design will be developed to a stage         58

               Route analysis                                   that confirms it can be constructed
                                                                practically and at reasonable cost.
              ■  the design will show the appearance of
               the site and how the site will function

      Enfield Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                            © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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