Page 65 - Enfield SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 65

8.4  Design criteria considerations


      The designer should confirm                                                                                  Outline Design

          ■  whether infiltration is appropriate for the        ■  storage locations and approximate
          site or whether rainfall will be managed as           volumes to appropriate flow rates
                                                                ■  overflow arrangements from each storage
          ■  whether Approach 1 or Approach 2 is                location
          being used to manage volumes
                                                                ■  exceedance routing when design volumes
          ■  contributing area of impermeable hard              are exceeded or flows are generated from
          surface                                               outside the site

          ■  sub-catchment design                               ■  allowances for climate change and urban

          ■  flow control locations


      The designer should demonstrate

          ■  there are sufficient SuDS surfaces to meet         ■  how spillage could be managed                   60
          interception losses requirements
                                                                ■  how runoff could be managed during
          ■  sufficient treatment is available to manage        construction.
          pollution risk along the management train


      The designer should demonstrate

         ■  the SuDS is understandable to people                ■  the visual character of the SuDS will

          using the site and maintenance personnel              enhance the development
          – legibility
                                                                ■  spaces and connecting routes are multi-
         ■  the site is generally accessible to people          functional and can be used when not
          and safe ‘by design’                                  providing a SuDS function for rainfall

      Enfield Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                            © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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