P. 142
Detailed Design 9.11.5 Storage structures The introduction of geocellular structures is
Attenuation storage in underground
structures is currently utilised throughout
still relatively recent in the construction
construction industry with may applications
industry and the long term implications of
being in the form of geocellular tanks. Simply
their use is still being understood. The SuDS
manual (Section 21.1) clarifies that:
providing underground tanks should not be
confused with a full SuDS approach; however,
they can form part of the SuDS management
■ Where storage is in an underground tank, ■ Geocellular systems and plastic arches
failures and blockages tend not to get tend not to be easily accessible for
noticed, which may mean that the inspection or cleaning, so very effective
consequences of failure can be upstream treatment is required to ensure
catastrophic. adequate sediment removal.
■ Underground storage tanks do not have ■ The structural design of geocellular
inherent treatment capacity and therefore systems tends to be more complex and
require integration with a SuDS there have been a number of collapses of
management train. these systems caused by inadequate
design. (see Mallett et al, 2014, and
O’Brien et al, in press) (see C737)
Wyre Forest District Council SuDS D & E Guide © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates