P. 146

Detailed Design  9.12.3 Example of SuDS and Site Maintenance                  Normal site    Suggested

                                                                                    care (Site) or
            Regular Maintenance

                          Pick up all litter in SUDS Landscape areas along
                          with remainder of the site – remove from site             Site           1 visit monthly
            Grass         Mow all grass verges, paths and amenity grass at          Site           As required or
                          35-50mm with 75mm max.  Leaving cuttings in situ                         1 visit monthly

            Grass         Mow all dry swales, dry SUDS basins and margins           Site           4-8 visits per
                          to low flow channels and other SUDS features at                          year or as
                          100mm with 150mm max. Cut wet swales or basins                           required
                          annually as wildflower areas – 1st and last cuts to be
            Grass         Wildflower areas strimmed to 100mm in Sept or at          Site           1 visit annually
                          end of school holidays – all cuttings removed
                          Wildflower areas strimmed to 100mm on 3 year
  141                     rotation – 30% each year – all cuttings removed                          1 visit annually
            inlets &      Inspect monthly, remove silt from slab aprons and         SuDS           1 visit monthly
            outlets       debris.  Strim 1m round for access

            Permeable  Sweep all paving regularly to keep surface tidy              Site           1 visit annually
            paving                                                                                 or as required

            Occasional Tasks

            Permeable  Sweep and suction brush permeable paving when                SuDS           As required -
            paving        ponding occurs                                                           estimate 10-15
                                                                                                   year intervals
            Flow          Annual inspection of control chambers - remove silt  SuDS                1 visit annually
            controls      and check free flow

            Wetland &     Wetland vegetation to be cut at 100mm on 3 – 5            Site           As required
            pond          year rotation or 30% each year.  All cuttings to be
                          removed to wildlife piles or from site.

           Wyre Forest District Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                     © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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