Page 64 - Lincolnshire SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 64
8.3.1 Information to support Outline Design
Outline Design Limited information may be available at
Concept Design Stage and must be
augmented to provide a full understanding of
the site at Outline Design.
The following information should be collated
to evaluate site constraints and inform SuDS
■ Existing services, including location and ■ Consents affecting off-site and on-site
depth. These can influence layout, depth elements of the SuDS.
and placement of SuDS features.
■ Confirmation of the method of discharge:
■ Planning conditions, for example SuDS in infiltration or runoff to a watercourse or
‘conservation areas’, which may influence sewer and impact of runoff volumes on
choice of SuDS components and the use the site.
of materials.
Confirmation of ownership and maintenance
■ Ownership and future management of arrangements would be subject to a planning
SuDS will influence component selection, condition.
typically adoption by Local Authorities
and especially Highways Departments.
A biodiversity raingarden at Renfrew Close,
Newham with cornfield annuals alongside
meadow flora for the future.
Lincolnshire County Council SuDS D & E Guide © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates